I wanted to thank you Moreless for all the hard work you put into this forum helping everyone out. I know that for myself I would have a hard time getting the answers to heal my BF if it was not for this forum.
It is the people in this world doing just what you are doing... trying to help other people heal. Teaching them the way to better live their life. I have a personal belief that it takes a good and special person to do what you do.
I try not to comment or post to anyone who usually are having what you would call terrible two's. However, I think what might be the problem some come here looking for the answers spelled out for them. I can tell you from personal experience that my BF gets frusterated when I show him something you replied to from me. He tends to say things like "He never says how much to use or how much to do." It is figuring it out on your own and what works best for that individual. Try on thing and whether it works or not will tell you whether to continue using it or not. Then its on to the next. It is hard work and takes discipline but with persistence eventually things will get better.
What I personally think is that sometimes newbies (if you will) are looking for the right ratio factor. 1 tbsp of this or 1 teas of that. What some fail to realize or get through to themselves is there is NO set ratio and this is why your replies seem so vague to some who dont know or understand the way this forum works. If only there was a one-size-fits-all you could then give exact ratios.
Just like some of your previous posts -- you cant help everyone and you sure cant help those who dont want to be helped. OR your infomous You can lead a horse to water but you cant force them to drink.
On a side note: I wanted to say thank you for the reply back to me on the post I made about my mother. Because of your response I have taken a hard look at myself and realize that the way I came across this forum about that post was not right for me to do. I just wanted to say though that I have read and thought about your post back to me many times over and I feel that I was very self-centered for making statements like that.
I have since talked things over with my mother and I have come to realize that my mother is a good person and means well just because we do not see eye to eye on every subject does not mean we cannot talk about things like civilized people.
I have learned to keep my opinions to myself the last few days and giving my mother the attention she is so desperately craving and everything seems to be going good.
I just wanted to thank you for that ML.
I dont think I would have come to this conclusion as soon as I have had you not responded the way that you did. I personally think you do great around here. I am very glad to have experienced some of the knowledge you possess. The things that have helped my BF makes me very happy to have him around a little longer.