Whats up its been 8 days I think and no peeling. I use the medication because I wanted to get rid of the white dots not for acne. It was prescribe to me by the doc for that. He said it will help I did not tell him about peeling lips I had given up. the peeling stop as a fluke pure luck I guess. Yes my lips use to turn white when in contact with water not any more. The funny thing is the white dots are shrinking or dissolving. No my lips are not perfect pink but no peeling, burning, white gunk stuff. They are getting pinkish every day probably wont be at 100 percent pink because of years of self peeling but thats ok as long as they look decent dont peel and today I talked face to face with a person i met for 2 hours straight with no worries didnt have to run away every 15 minutes to check my lips out in my litlle mirror. Just try it already