Hi Ya'll,
Maybe it would be helpful for some to Better understand what parts of the plant to test for guidelines on selecting our foods?
Each plant has Different parts, from the Root to the Leaves to the Fruit and the Stem?
Some plants we eat the Fruit?
Others we eat the stem?
Others we eat the Roots?
Others we eat the Leaf?
So How do we Test the growing plant to find out how our Garden plants are doing?
We need to select a growing part of the plant that may represent the complete plant, yet not destroy the part of the plant we are wanting to eat when it is of Best Quality !
This means we need to Select a plant part that will give us a sample of the plants Sap !
Generally this may mean a part of the stem somewhere on the plant?
I have found that if we select a part of the Leaf stem or vein, not the Leaf it's self, as the Leaf it's self will be Higher Brix than the stem or roots or many times the Fruit?
If we take the Leaf it's self(Leaf between the veins) to remove it's Sap, we will get a Higher amount of the Leafs Chlorophyll, which is High in Magnesium, which may give us a Fuzzy reading, which may or may not be in the rest of the plant?
By selecting the stem or center vein of the Leaf that is the full Leaf from the growing Tip, which may be about the 3rd Leaf from the Growing Tip will give us a constant Reference point as to How our Test will be Representive of the plants we are testing?
This is a part of the plant we may test while still leaving the plant intact to grow more to maturity?
This point is going to be part way between the photosynthesis manufacturing part of the Leaf and the roots storage area and the Fruit storage area !
In other words we may obtain a sample reading that will be a guidline as to How the plant is doing over time?
The Goal is to utilize a growing point that may give us a reference as to How the plant is doing?
For if we Test the Leaf where the photosynthesis is taking place, this may Test Higher than the Stem or Fruit?
We need to understand that the Leaf thru photosynthesis is manufacturing the rest of the plant matter and that the main stem that has the most Sap in it will be the Lowest Brix as this Sap is flowing from the Tip of the Leaf to the Roots?
If the Sap is of the correct Alkaline Mineral Electro-magnetic Energy, then it will Build plant matter as it makes it's cycle in the plant?
But, if the Sap is too Acidic the plant will Fall to Sickness and Diseases !
By testing a Leaf stem that may be replaced as the plant grows some more, we are getting a representive sample of the plants progress and may Better be able to determine when this plant will have the Best Fruit to eat for Harvest?
In the case of what Fruit we may eat of this plant, it may be Fruit it's self or the Root or Stem, like Celery or the Leaf it's self as in Greens?
If we do not learn to utilize a specific part of the plant to test and choose different parts at different times we may get all kinds of different readings on the same plant?
In the beginning it may help one to test all Different parts of the plant to learn about what I am saying, as to were in the plant is the Best readings and where the Lowest readings may be?
How may this be helpful?
If we want the plant for Greens, we may learn that if we Remove the Veins from the rest of the Leaf and throw the Veisn out that we may end up with a Higher brix Greens to eat?
This could be Important with Poor Quality Greens to beging with, where the Veins may contain more NPN than the rest of the Leaf?
Remember a plant has cycles that may follow the Moon cycles and the plants may have their Highest Quality around the Full Moon cycle and the Lowest Brix around the New Moon cycle or during wetter weather?
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.