Hello Uny & Fellow Natural Healers,
I've been out of touch with forum much more so than I would like to have been and I'm sorry I haven't been around. I really do feel like we are all support for one another. I've been sticking to the healing protocols as many as I have and been running a business and taking care of the household and animals while also making and preparing the herbal formulas for us to keep going with cleansing and raw fooding.
I am totally convinced by my own experience that this is THE way to fast and cleanse. I realize this program goes in 30 day cycles. On monday I will begin the
kidney cleanse again. I've taken a few days off the cleanses not the
Colon Cleanses though and we are on a raw food diet. Getting very creative with raw food receipes. I highly recommend getting raw cookbooks as they give lots of ideas and REALLY REALLY good tasting food. It just takes planning, its a different way of thinking than going to the freezer in the a.m. and pulling out dinner for the evening. So I have to say it is a process . . . creating new neural pathways, changing old ways of thinking, moving forward, and really ACCENDING to a higher frequency is the bottom line. It hasn't been a simple and easy transition to be honest but a required one and we are committed. : )
Twenty nine days straight without one bite of food AND on the 29th day I was out working with a horse. Had anyone told me I was going on a 30 day fast and would be out working on the last day I would have said 'your high'.
My IP program has consisted of the following daily:
Colon Cleansing
Kidney/Liver Cleanse
Superfood 5 x
Cayenne Powder x 3
Cayenne Tinc x 3
Ashwaganda x 3
Garlic 3-7 cloves (probably 50% of the time)
Juicing (not enough) 1 quart+ a day
(with all other drinks, teas and liquids I consumed around 330
oz a day and peed like crazy)
Special Tinctures for me:
Female, Hawthorn Berry,
Black-Walnut Hull, Adrenal, Glandular, NERVE, St Johns Wort,
2 to 4 x
HOT/COLD Showers! (I think I only missed 2 maybe 3 days)
Barefoot Therapy (honestly I slacked on this one my excuse is its been raining!)
coffee enemas (last to weeks of cleanse)
Castor Oil Packs over night on Liver, Female Organs, Adrenals (last 2 weeks of cleanse)
Off all supplements except for a smidgen of progesterone and myomin.
And continuing to wean cortisol slowly.
Note on the cortisol: Uny thank you for your long and detailed response to all my HC questions in the post a little while back. I get "IT" that KEEPING A STEADY DOSE in the bloodstream is imperitive. I will try with all my might to NOT "Stress dose". Its a horrible feeling when a drop in cortisol happens but I will try to prevent to start with and ride it out if necessary. But I am holding the Vision and Intention that the entire wean will be smoothe.
While I'm on the topic of HC I want to mention something - I've had alot of trouble sleeping the past 2 weeks. When I first started the cleanse/fast almost immediately I started sleeping better
than I have in my WHOLE life. I've had insomnia off and on for most of my life.
I dose cortisol 4 times daily with the last dose at bedtime (this helped me sleep since I started HC) I'm just wondering if that is now keeping me up. I thought maybe it was the
coffee enemas and maybe is, I've moved them to earlier in the day instead of evening.
So I'm experiementing and tonight I have moved my bedtime dose up to 6 p.m. (not changing the amount just the time). I'd like to think this is what is causing me to lay awake all night.
The feeling isn't a wirey or jittery caffine feel. I'm just awake with my warm caster oil pack.
So I asked myself what would Uny say, I think she would also ask if I'm exercising and I'm not so I had better start that! And I think she would ask if I was getting enough "EARTH TIME" barefooting- I'm not getting that every day so I had better get on with that one too. And on the
coffee enema I'm only doing 2 TBS with 4 Cups of water. So taking it easy on that too in case of stimulation.
Ok the fun part . . . RESULTS - I am definitely feeling better in many ways and still have lots of cleansing/fasting/raw fooding to do. My ovulation this month was SOOOOOO much smoother
A MIRACLE in itself : ) This and my cycles HAVE been THE hardest time of the month for me.
I'm also in the Luteal phase of my cycle now and only have a few days left before I start - I've had NO breast tenderness at all - YEAH. Mood is better but not 100% yet with PMS.
I'm definitey feeling 'stronger' and not so fearful much less anxiousness, nervousness. This is very typical with adrenal issues. AND that I'm so excited to report.
Still need some work on eliminating pms, sleep, feeling down (not daily) mental clarity, focus.
I'm very excited about continuing on with the IP program and making herbal formulas. And I even have a few friends that want to join us on the journey.
I know there is more but this is all for now.
Hummingbird Sage