Read this it's GOOD. Not too long, not too many big words... :)
Sodium Fluoride: the Obedience Drug
by Stephan Cooter, Ph.D.
"Calcium fluoride and fluorine are nature’s mineral salts as
found in some natural waters, in tea, and other foods. But sodium fluoride comes from aluminum ore, and it is a byproduct of the modern aluminum industry. Unfortunately, sodium fluoride interferes with one of our most important neurotransmitters, acetylcholine.
(See "Fluoride: Governmentally Approved Poison,"
Acetylcholine signals the [alleged] sodium pump in our bodies and turns the electrical current on; choline turns it off. (See "Correcting an Inaccurate Paradigm on Cellular Functions -- Lay Version," or "Correcting an Inaccurate Paradigm on Cellular Functions -- Technical Version,"
Ed.) On, our brains think and our muscles contract; off, we can rest and relax.
Both choline and acetylcholine are derived from a cholesterolcholine-fatty acid compound. If the body produces enough cholesterol-choline compound on its own or you take enough in the diet, you have plenty of choline for relaxing muscles, plenty of inositol for muscle sugar, plenty of fatty acids for fuel to power the muscles,
plenty of acetylcholine for concentration. Acetylcholine is one of the neurotransmitters necessary for the brain to think properly and make muscles work. Without it, we become weak intellectually and physically.
The cholinergic system cooperates with salt to make the bodyelectric work. Acetylcholine controls the show: it regulates concentration and filters out distracting noises and other stimuli. Without it, we can’t think clearly: we’d be flooded with a million different sources of stimulation. We wouldn’t be able to sleep either, and we would be wakened by the noise of every creak and bump in the night.
At least one of civilization’s manufactured salts wrecks the
process. Sodium fluoride is a byproduct of aluminum ore extraction. Ironically, the EPA monitors industry dumping its sodium fluoride garbage into rivers because it can kill fish, but the EPA approves of it as a salt added to our drinking water. In our drinking water, fluoride messes up the thinking process by interfering with acetylcholine
synthesis. Dr. Richard Murray has pointed out that only 1
part per million of sodium fluoride in the water we drink or canned food we take in that came from a fluoridated source can inhibit acetylcholine synthesis 61%. When it comes to a related brain
Sugar that assists acetycholine, the neurotransmitter, glutamine, 1 ppm of sodium fluoride inhibits glutamine synthesis 100%.
In “Neurophysiology and Aluminum37,” Dr. Murray demonstrated
how we are setting up Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in many
of us who think we are trying to strengthen tooth enamel.
Added supplemental choline and food consumed with drinking
water may help bind up the negative effects of fluoride salts and prevent this from happening. Avoidance of fluoridated water is a good idea for other reasons, not the least of which is to avoid brittle bones and hip fractures in old age. In Utah, where fluoridation went into the water supply, bone fractures went up with the fluoride concentration in the water.
But that’s not the worst of it. During wartime, both the Germans and Russians added sodium fluoride to the water of prisoners of war. Were they interested in preventing tooth decay? According to the documentation of the Australian Ian E. Stephen (1987), both Germans and Russians used fluoridation because they had discovered that it made their prisoners “stupid and docile” (Well Mind Association22). Eustace Mullins in Murder by Injection36, claimed
that the originators of fluoridation in the United States were informed about the Soviet uses of fluoride salts to induce sheeplike, obedient, unthinking behavior, not only in prisoners, but in the general population at large.This “human” experiment was not original. Apparently, the
obedience drug-like effect was borrowed from animal studies that showed that breeders of intractable bulls had routinely used sodium fluoride to successfully tranquilize bulls for easier handling. Since the 1940s, the prison camps in the Gulag Archipelago in the Soviet Union were experimental laboratories for discovering just how much
sodium fluoride was necessary for producing an easily managed, obedient human population36.
Using Dr. Murray’s figures, it only takes a concentration of 1 part per million of fluoride to significantly impair acetylcholine synthesis in the body. In Salem, Oregon, the water supply has .4 parts per million, considerably under the 1-4 parts per million considered effective to prevent tooth decay through sugar-sucking adolescence. But at 1-4 parts per million, declining Scholastic Apptitude Test
(SAT) scores, the stupidity of senators who can’t balance check books or national budgets, and the tyranny of dullness that controls our political and regulatory agencies’ thinking takes on an insidious dimension.
Acetylcholine is the brain chemical that allows clear thinking and concentration. It allows us to sort out the important and distinguish from the trivial. We are left to wonder how much of our leadership is drinking tap water. If we care about ourselves, we better turn off the tap.
It was in the 1940s that sodium fluoride first began to be added to the U.S. water supply. If we can believe Mullins, U.S. bureaucrats not only knew about the Soviet use of fluoride, but envied what it did for controlling a population’s behavior."