Thanks you guys. I'm taking all those supps, though the B's sporadically as I tend to forget that one. I have been taking the
Iodine fist thing in the AM, then selenium, C, mag about an hour later, again at lunch, etc. (the supps spread out). My digestion is not great and I wonder if I'm absorbing the
Iodine really well, but not the capsules of the other stuff.
I thought
Iodine was supposed to help hypothyroid, not make it more so. I kind of wish I hadn't started this before seeing Brownstein because I probably threw off my "baseline." I have a feeling he will tell me to increase my dose, and probably put me on the pig glandular. I'm really curious what the thyroid would have looked/felt like had I not done this for 3 months before seeing him. My hair was already falling out before supplementation, and I was already cold-sensitive, too, but it seems worse. There has definitely been more fatigue at these doses, whereas on kelp I typically had more energy. I'm also getting some
Depression and walking around with a bit of a black cloud.
It's so typical that what seems to work for others does not work the same for me, so I don't know why this should surprise me.....and yet I've been reluctant to go off of it because I think it is helping some things, like fibrocystic breasts and chronic headaches. I believe it's helped my gut a bit, too, once the constipation issue it seemed to be causing leveled off. Based on this lump in my neck today, though, I think I'd better back off.
What a conundrum. I hope he can help me figure this out. I read in passing somewhere that estrogen/progesterone balance can affect the function of the thyroid vs. the other way around, so it might be that I need to work separately on those issues as well. I was hoping it would be as simple as taking the recommended iodine dose and the companion nutrients.
I have lost a ridiculous amount of hair, too, it's really starting to freak me out. I knew I wasn't gonna be a head-turner forever, I mean obviously I knew I was not going to stop time, but it seems to be happening REALLY fast these past few years.