I used to do the enema thing both coffee and regular. I used to try and flood the colon with repeated sessions of enemaic proportion and at first I avoided the
colonic thing until a big chance at a life lesson presented itself. In with my varying and intens symptoms I was blessed with a nother new condition...pancreatitis. In discussing it with Gloria Gilberre my naturopath at the time we decided to have a session of colonics. I was on a two week waiting list at the time so I had to endure agony of unreal porportions. I wouldn't wish an inflamed pancreas on anyone...very painful. Anyway, i struggled for two weeks up to the point of my first colonic. The procedure was very gentle. For me it was much gentlre and easier than an enema which suprised me. The cleansing effect was amazing. For me it was miraculous. It almost completely abated the pancreatitis and after my secon
colonic just 2 days later the condition was completely reversed and never to return again. I followed through with a series of
colonics and now do one every two weeks because it helps so much to take down my total load.
I even was able to convince my wife to try a couple and she was hooked because she felt the benefits instantly. She was so impressed that she has since trained to become a colon hydrotherapist and enter the world of wholistic healthcare. She is also an RN but is lloking to sugue out of allopathic healthcare due to its unaffectiveness in dealing with chronic conditions.
Like I've said before, I have done enemas and
colonics and there is absolutely no comparison. Colonics, in my opinion, are much, much more affective.
When your ready, give one a try, and see if you agree. Make sure you get one administerd on a closed system and I prefer a gravity type due to its gentleness.