Have you considered doing a high raw version of the diet?
I found that one of my biggest problems was my system wasn't alkaline enough and I was not handling cooked food very well. I've switched to the specific carb diet, but essentially it is really just a high raw (fruits, raw greens, a mix of some raw and cooked vegetables, some raw nuts, and a TON of sprouts, and small portions of cooked proteins like chicken or eggs)that also happens to be free of most of the "illegals" from the SCD.
This diet is making such a difference in the way I feel. So much that it sort of baffles me that I have never tried it before! I have tried the "raw diet" actually, years ago, but I did it all wrong. I was just eating everything raw, I didn't really change my diet. I was eating things like raw broccoli (hard to digest and contains some anti nutrients in raw form), bell peppers (nightshades, hard on gut) and other things raw but not basing my diet around raw greens and living foods like sprouts.
It is worth a shot. The whole point of the SCD is to protect your body from the harmful foods that will worsen the gut. There is no reason you have to eat the foods laid our for you in the diet such as the cottage cheese or soup. You shouldn't eat any food your body does not like.