Hey all,
I just wanted to share my success story with you in the hopes that my story might help someone else. For several years I suffered from debilitating fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, panic atticks, anxiety, chronic bladder infections, obesity and hormonal imbalances.
I went to many conventional and alternative doctors to no avail. I had chiropractic, actupuncture and massage treatments regularly. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on supplements and herbs. Some things helped a little temporarily but nothing really addressed the issue.
Luckily I stumbled upon the story of a lady who healed herself from fibro and cfs with a raw vegan diet. Her name is Shelly Keck-Borstis and she wrote a book called "Dying to Get Well" that you can either purchase or download for free.
After reading of her success, I decided that I had nothing to lose. I started eating fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, all raw and nothing else. I ate a lot of fruit smoothies, vegetable juices (you don't have to juice if you don't care to, I just like veggie juices) and salads. It was actually pretty easy to do once I got used to buying enough produce.
I was shocked when my pain started disappearing within a few days. One month later I was completely pain free and my depression, anxiety and IBS were completely gone! My energy was increasing slowly and steadily. Three months later the hormonal imbalances were gone and my energy was much improved. A year later I considered myself 100% healed with more energy, enthusiasm and happiness than I have had before. At 34 I felt better than I ever had.
By the second year I had lost all my excess weight (about 100 lbs).
Six years later I am still all raw and loving life and feeling great. I have not had a single cold or flu in that time. I feel truly blessed. I'm sure that I would be on disability and completely bed ridden by now if I hadn't of discovered raw.
I would just like to encourage anyone out there who is suffering to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Feel free to ask me any questions.