I have had EC for years. It went away for awhile a few years back, but came back with a vengence recently. I started seeing a holisted TCM practitioner recently. As others have mentioned, stomach heat comes up a lot in conversations with my doc. Recently I had a terrible flare up, so we looked at ways to help alieviate the suffering while I undergo more holistic treatment. We tested a variety of anti-fungals (my suspicion). Interestingly, soaks in
Colloidal Silver had a very very strong positive muscle reaction, as did an herbal salve targeted at warts (wart whip by shawneemoon herbaceuticals in Missouri). Five days ago my face was a frightful mess with deep fissures and redness, peeling skin all around my mouth. I started soaks in
Colloidal Silver that night. I have a maker, silver puppy (check the
Colloidal Silver forum, its a good product). you can't do this unless you have your own generator, it would cost far to much. i fill a large flat bowl with just enough silver so that when I put my face in it, my mouth is in, but I can breath through my nose. I soak for half an hour in the morning and night. yes, its a lot of time, but I listen to the radio and TV, besides, my hope is that after a few more days, I won't have to do it as much. In the five short days I have done this, my lips went from nightmare to normal. I won't claim its a cure, but until i can get my whole body healed, its much welcome relief. It worked.