Well thanks for coming forth. at least you don't seem to be slandering for profit! But what you have done is just a very creative way of attempting to discredit Moreless! You have misjudged Moreless through false assumptions! You as others claim that ML bans people for no reason ,but if you go to any of those threads that include those banned you will see extensive tit for tat between the two opposing sides before any one is banned! Look it up its in black and white!
These spats get to the point that absolutely nothing is being accomplished and only serves to disrupt others from learning and delaying any potential healing to those in need!
So if those who believe this to be the case its not and its on records as not true!
Unlike other forum owners Moreless has never purposely and intentionally gone after another member to have them banned from Curezone! No matter how crude or disruptive they where!
Yes I consider ML a great teacher but not a guru!
This whole spat started because you can't defend against pH balancing and its concepts without being attacked as a Moreless lapdog ,when all I was doing was defending the against the establishment attacks against the principles of pH balancing !
Moreless is a good teacher but I know of others from the past who support the
Science of pH balancing such as Dr. Carey Reams who Moreless is slighlty in conflict with on certain issues but I dont dismiss either ones ideas! I'm not religious at all and sometimes wish this was not an issues on his forum simply because of the friction it brings,but its Moreless's forum and his beleifs so be it!
I don't defend Moreless as much as I defend against the lies about him and particularly the lies about the
Science of pH balancing!
Am I in awe of Moreless ??? That's ridiculous, but I am in awe of the
Science he teaches and the benefits it offers those in need!