My Kabbalistic Horoscope at the end, and SolarFire calcs with Qabalistic angels present listed afterwords...
Aspects to Mon 29°Ar06 +14°45'
Cnj 29°Ar59 MIRACH In harmony to be receptive For example, your moon [divine emotional magnetic feminine nature] is at 30 degrees Aries. Look up the head of 30 Aries. It is conjunce the fixed star Mirach, which means in harmony to be receptive.
Pll +14°44' DENEBOLA To go against society Here you have Denebola paralleling the moon. Denebola is 15 degrees Aries, so combine meaning of the moon, 30 Aries, and 15 Aries to understand what this means.
Aspects to Ear 16°Li52 -06°38'
Aspects to Sun 16°Ar52 +06°38'
Aspects to Vul 10°Ar08 +03°04'
Aspects to Mer 01°Ta27 +13°05'
Aspects to Ven 04°Ta33 +12°37'
Pll +12°34' RAS ALHAGUE The desire to heal a wound.
Aspects to Mar 21°Ta55 +18°46'
Aspects to Jup 02°Sc54 -11°05'
Pll -11°01' SPICA*** The potential for brilliance.
Aspects to Sat 08°Ta51 +12°25'
Pll +12°34' RAS ALHAGUE The desire to heal a wound.
Aspects to Ura 06°Li19 -01°49'
Aspects to Nep 00°Sg34 -18°35'
Aspects to Plu 25°Vi30 +16°39'
Aspects to Chi 06°Ar55 +05°05'
Aspects to Ves 11°Le29 +24°23'
Aspects to Pal 00°Pi17 +06°27'
Pll +06°20' BELLATRIX ** Success through the Shadow.
Aspects to Jun 18°Pi13 -02°32'
Aspects to Cer 28°Pi09 -08°08'
Pll -08°14' RIGEL ** To bring knowledge to others.
Cnj 28°Pi57 SCHEAT To be a thinker or intellect
Aspects to Hyg 11°Ge31 +23°14'
Pll +23°19' HAMAL To follow one's own path
Aspects to Ast 14°Ge52 +19°26'
Pll +19°20' ARCTURUS A different approach
Aspects to Nod 11°Pi26 -07°16'
Aspects to SNo 11°Vi26 +07°16'
Cnj 10°Vi54 ZOSMA -- A victim or a saviour
Pll +07°24' BETELGEUSE *** Success which is not blocked.
Aspects to Asc 09°Sc12 -14°34'
Aspects to
Master-Cleanse 16°Le33 +15°53'
Pll +15°48' SUALOCIN Tantalising but naive.
Aspects to Vx 21°Ge31 +23°10'
Pll +23°19' HAMAL To follow one's own path
Cnj 21°Ge26 CAPELLA Love of movement
Cnj 21°Ge45 PHACT To quest adventure.
Cnj 20°Ge32 BELLATRIX ** Success through the Shadow.
Aspects to EqA 21°Sc26 -18°07'
Aspects to PF 26°Li58 -13°58'
Aspects to Cup 21°Li57 -07°35'
Aspects to Had 17°Ta58 +16°17'
Pll +16°26' ALHENA To have a mission.
Pll +16°27' ALDEBARAN *** Success through integrity
Aspects to Zeu 10°Vi00 +07°49'
Cnj 10°Vi54 ZOSMA -- A victim or a saviour
Aspects to Kro 06°Ge28 +21°24'
Aspects to Apo 01°Li44 -00°42'
Aspects to Adm 02°Ta09 +12°14'
Pll +12°07' REGULUS*** Success if revenge is avoided.
Aspects to Vus 03°Cn24 +23°24'
Pll +23°19' HAMAL To follow one's own path
Aspects to Pos 19°Li35 -07°40'
Aspects to TPl 13°Le30 +16°46'
Aspects to BMo 13°Le27 +19°01'
Fig. 54: Calacha (30° Aries) - is the last head of this zodiacal sign. He teaches the magician how to treat various diseases with the element of water. Calacha is a master in hydrotherapy and is always prepared to assist the magician, theoretically and practically, in this field. Magicians dealing with natur opathy will find an excellent initiator in Calacha, who can reveal to them many secrets by intuition and inspiration, secrets which have remainded unrevealed up to this date.
Conjunct MIRACH In harmony to be receptive
Fig. 54: Calacha (30° Aries) - is the last head of this zodiacal sign. He teaches the magician how to treat various diseases with the element of water. Calacha is a master in hydrotherapy and is always prepared to assist the magician, theoretically and practically, in this field. Magicians dealing with natur opathy will find an excellent initiator in Calacha, who can reveal to them many secrets by intuition and inspiration, secrets which have remainded unrevealed up to this date.
PLL DENEBOLA To go against society
Fig. 39: Golog (15° Aries) - This head is well acquainted with any field of
Science in our physical world, and there exists no problem which he would not be able to solve. Golog is regarded as a great philosopher and exposes the synthesis of philosophy to the magician by intuition and inspiration.
Fig. 221: Arator (17° Libra) - This head is the initiator of all intoxicating drinks. From the prime origin he has been teaching man by intuition how to make the most diverse kinds of intoxicating drinks, for instance, wine, mead, beer, liquor, etc. which are to put man into a happy mood and make him bear his lot more easily. However, this head must not be mistaken for the contra-genius of this sphere who controls the notorious drunkards. All those people are protected by Arator who have to do with the production and selling of alcoholic drinks. The magician may get from this head excellent recipes for the production of wine, beer and liquor, and, on top of this, certain advice on how these beverages can be ameliorated by various methods. He also reveals to the magician magic recipes and instructions on how, for instance, he can, under the influence of the amalgamation of elements, change water into wine; furthermore, how he can protect himself successfully against the influence of the alcohol contained in these beverages, so that even great quantities of alcohol wi11leave him sober.
Fig. 41: Barnel (17° Aries) - Like Argilo, this intelligence is well acquainted with the art of love and is an expert in excellent practices which make one win the favour of friends and enemies of both sexes. Barnal gives the magician special instructions and makes him acquainted with special methods in respect to the magic of sympathy. This head not only places at the magician's disposal good beings from his own region, but also enables him to get into touch with particular beings of the air which otherwise are very shy of the earth and therefore hard to contact. Barnal is also an expert in music, and if the magician desires it, he inspires him with musical compositions, provided the magician is basically interested in music.
Fig. 35: Igigi (11° Aries) - This head teaches the magician how to get power over men and animals. At the same time he shows him how to dynamise magic formulae so that they have a specially strong effect.
Fig. 56: Molabeda (2° Taurus) - If the magician wants to get into contact with this head, he will be taught by him how, by application of the electric fluid, in connection with the element of fire, various phenomena in nature, which are equivalent to miracles, can be caused. Molabeda is a loyal guardian of the deep secret mysteries of sexual life which he will only reveal to the mature and ethically highly developed magician.
Fig. 59: Nasi (5° Taurus) – can give the magician good advice, either by himself or by his subordinates, on how he 'can make his life agreeable and full of pleasure by various improvements. Nasi tells the magician how to increase his income, and helps the magician to improve his position in life either by himself or by his servants. He is regarded as a perfect master of the making of pleasure and earthly happiness.
PLL RAS ALHAGUE The desire to heal a wound.
Fig. 67: Paguldez (13° Taurus) - is an excellent initiator into all the aspects of the magic of nature. If the magician gets into touch with this head, he learns from him, how to get going, by natural means, various powers, how to bring about certain causes, resp. effects which almost reach the unnatural. At the magician's special request this head will reveal to him by which means he can bring about various phenomena of nature. - For information I mention here that the contra-genius is guardian of the secrets of various sorcery projects of the magic of nature.
Fig. 76: Hyla (22° Taurus) - can help the magician acquire a clear mind, good power of judgement, sagacity and cleverness through the channels of high intuition and inspiration. He can help the magician either personally or by one of his servants with various affairs, for instance, with examinations in diverse fields of
Science in this physical world, and more of that sort.
Fig. 237: Hasperim (3° Scorpio) - This head has inspired man and animal with the drive for self-preservation. He has rendered the animals appropriate means for protection by nature to defend themselves against dangers. He is the inspirer of animal instincts. Man has been caused by him to make a living by hard work, endurance and diligence. Therefore everything that induces man to go ahead comes under this head's competence. A magician allied with this head will be equipped with enormous powers, either by the head himself or by his subordinates, and he will even be able to transfer these powers on to other people which will help to reach any aim at any time. Hasperim knows about many secrets concerning human intellect and would be quite willing to reveal them to the magician, depending on his maturity and development.
PLL SPICA*** The potential for brilliance
Fig. 246: Sagara (12° Scorpio) - is the initiator of all magicians. The magician who has got into contact with Sagara gets valuable instruction on how to influence man and animal in the magical as well as the quabbalistic - theurgic - manner.
Fig. 63: Orienell (9° Taurus) - gives information on occult aids, auxiliary methods etc. which may contribute to the development of various mental, astral and physical faculties. Orienell also reveals to the magician by which manner he can acquire any certain faculty. Such aids are mainly rites, formulae or gestures as I know from own former practical experience with this head. If the magician stays in contact with Orienell for a longer period of time he can make provisional notes on all magical aids, which are revealed to him by way of intuition by this head.
PLL RAS ALHAGUE The desire to heal a wound.
Fig. 67: Paguldez (13° Taurus) - is an excellent initiator into all the aspects of the magic of nature. If the magician gets into touch with this head, he learns from him, how to get going, by natural means, various powers, how to bring about certain causes, resp. effects which almost reach the unnatural. At the magician's special request this head will reveal to him by which means he can bring about various phenomena of nature. - For information I mention here that the contra-genius is guardian of the secrets of various sorcery projects of the magic of nature.
Fig. 211: Gesegos (7° Libra) - Wood and everything connected' with it falls under the competence of this head. He is the guardian angel of all those people who are occupied with wood and its working, for instance, lumber-jacks, carpenters, joiners, cabinet makers, turners, carvers, patternmakers, etc. If the magician is interested in any of these fields, he can learn much from this head that has not been known up to this date; for instance, the impregnation of wood against all influences from elements, means which give wood, even the softest kind of wood, great resistance and duration, so that it can only be compared with steel. This head can make known to the magician many other interesting new ideas.
Fig. 265: Neschamah (1° Sagittarius) - By the intuition and inspiration from this intelligence men have found the way to work metals with the help of fire and water, i. e. to harden them, until finally the present state of steel production and metal hardening has been reached. During the course of time mankind will find new, more complete procedures for the hardening of metals which at present have to remain unknown.
Fig. 200: Hyrmiua (26° Virgo) - is a mighty protector of human consciousness on our earth. The average man would hardly be able to comprehend the range of power of this head. He prevents, for instance, the consciousness of the average man from travelling beyond the limits of the physical world. However, he allows the magician to enlarge the capacity of his consciousness, depending on his magical maturity. In other words: this head controls the development and maturity of each human being. He decides whether a person suffering from disturbances of his consciousness, an insane man or woman, should become healthy again and regain his normal state of mind. If this intelligence approves of his recovery, the psychiatrist will succeed in making the person completely sane again. Hyrmiua also controls all those people committing suicide, whose deed is not carried out under the conditions of Karma, so that they do not regain there consciousness in the astral world before the period has elapsed which they should have lived on earth. Not before the expiration of this certain period will suicides awake from their twilight sleep to get their full astral consciousness. Much more could be said about this head; but, however, these hints will be enough for the magician; if he gets into contact with this intelligence, he will never go astray mentally and will be given, by this intelligence, the power to read the consciousness of every man and to influence it. For instance, he could make him memorize pictures of the past or else delete such pictures completely from his memory. The magician learns from this head how to carry out a transference of consciousness in the magical manner, which, in the orient, is known under the name of "Abisheka" or "Ankhur".
Fig. 31: Opollogon (7° Aries) - This head is a custodian of magical secrets and may reveal to the magician many practices, rites, and so on, for his personal use. Apart from that he informs the magician in what easy manner he can get into contact with beings of the Moon-sphere. If the contact with Apollogon has once been established, then one is able to roam the moon-sphere by his personal assistance or by the help of his subordinates and get into touch, in a special manner, with the beings of the moon-sphere. Apollogon teaches the magician how he can practice mental magic in the moon-sphere and have direct effects on the moonsphere or by the beings of that sphere on our physical world.
Fig. 156: Akanejonaho (12° Leo) - is a master of divine theurgy and quabbalistic mysticism. He teaches the magician how to apply correctly the divine virtues in analogy to the laws of creation with the aim of spiritualization.
Fig. 355: Haja (1° Pisces) - To raise the creative powers in all three planes, special secret methods are applied. This head knows about them and is quite willing to inform the magician of them. If the magician carefully follows the instructions given by this intelligence, he will soon be able to raise the dynamics neccessary for practising quabbalistic magic and to do this without danger. Haja will prove to be an excellent teacher for the magic of powers and the magician, apart form hearing about other facts, will learn from him, for instance, how to condense various types of fluids to bring about phenomenal effects.
PLL +06°20' BELLATRIX ** Success through the Shadow.
Fig. 361: Atherom (7° Pisces) - brings good luck in all fields of science, success in learning and in any kind of intellectual work. He also helps everybody, either by his direct influence or by the influence of his subordinates, in getting the material he needs for his studies. If the magician wishes it, this intelligence will make him omniscient in any field of science, so that nothing will remain an unrevealed secret to him.
Fig. 373: Nearah (19° Pisces) - is an excellent inspirer of chemical, especially pharmaceutical, inventions. Depending on his degree of maturity he allows this or that innovation in pharmacy to become known through a suitable person. However, this head has a predilection for dental medicine and dental surgery and, under the seal of secrecy, he allows the magician a glimpse into his range of competence in the Akasha-principle, how far pharmacy
Science and dentistry will advance in the future. I was, for example, allowed to look into the future to see the changes in respect of pharmacy and dentistry: not only will man then be able to make artificial teeth from resistant materials, but new fantastic inventions will make it possible to grow natural teeth in adults. As soon as mankind has reached a certain degree of maturity, Nearah will inspire suitable persons with the secret of making bad teeth fall out by themselves, without the necessity of a painful extraction, due to the application of certain pharmaceutical substances. After this the person concerned will grow new, healthy teeth within a very short time. Man will thus become master over the growth of his teeth. The same will then be the case with man's hair. Hair getting grey or falling out will then be something belonging to the past. Each person will be able to choose the colour for his hair which he likes, without having to apply any hair dye. Though all this might sound like a fairy tale and bring doubts to the sceptical reader, it is the pure truth that will be proved by the future. But a magician who is able to proceed beyond time and space often prefers to keep silence in order not to become the object of scorn from immature persons.
Fig. 383: Ylemis (29° Pisces) - reveals to the mature magician the most secret mysteries of the love divine and makes him realize its range of power in the mental, astral and physical plane from the magical quabbalistic point of view. The realization of this divine love must naturally create within the magician a feeling of happiness which brings him up to the highest grades of ecstasy.
PLL -08°14' RIGEL ** To bring knowledge to others.
Fig. 363: Egention (9° Pisces) - Everything refering to or connected with travelling comes under this head's range of power. The magician refering to this intelligence will always be a fortunate traveller and will succeed in everything planned by him and he will be safe of having any kind of accident whilst travelling, regardless whether he travels on the continent, over the water or through the air. When carrying this head's seal with him, the magician can never be met with a traffic accident.
Conjunct 28°Pi57 SCHEAT To be a thinker or intellect
Fig. 383: Ylemis (29° Pisces) - reveals to the mature magician the most secret mysteries of the love divine and makes him realize its range of power in the mental, astral and physical plane from the magical quabbalistic point of view. The realization of this divine love must naturally create within the magician a feeling of happiness which brings him up to the highest grades of ecstasy.
Fig. 96: Bagoloni (12 Gemini) - has a special predilection for telepathy, for thought transference, and is an excellent master in this respect. He gives the magician appropriate instructions and methods which help the latter acquire these faculties. The magician following the special instructions of this head is able to transfer any picture to some other person, either by vision, acoustics or through the person's consciousness. At the same time he acquires the faculty of arousing, in the astral body of any other human being, - not aquainted with magic - special qualities of character.
PLL +23°19' HAMAL To follow one's own path
Fig. 108: Ygarimi (24° Gemini) - has been commissioned to explain to the magician all causes in the mental, astral or physical plane registered in the Akasha-principle. Therefore, if the magician has good connections with this head he' will be taught by him how causes which have been conjured up by thoughts, feelings, qualities of character, physical actions etc. are to be differed from each other in the Akasha-principle. Furthermore, how, from these causes in the Akasha-principle, fate in the mental, astral and physical plane can be reliably predicted. If the magician learns to make these differences, he will be able to predict hindrances which later will occur in the mental, astral and physical world. This head, Ygarimi, will show the magician means and ways of diminishing such hindrances, sometimes even how to eliminate them completely.
Fig. 99: Pigios (15° Gemini) - If the magician is a writer, he will find a true friend and adviser with this head, who will assist him at any time by force of inspiration. He especially likes to help poets by inspiration and to assist them in choosing the right words and expressions. Pigios is justly regarded as the head of all poets and writers.
PLL +19°20' ARCTURUS A different approach
Fig. 104: Kolani (20° Gemini) - is the initiator in respect to occult dancing, especially in respect to dances with the purpose of putting into action certain powers, or of getting into contact with them. This head can reveal to the magician, by intuition, dances which arouse in man certain extraordinary faculties. If the magician wants to place himself into mental ecstasy by occult dances, Kolani will give him the necessary advice.
North node is destiny too - PLACE WHERE THE MOON SETS
Fig. 366: Hagomi (12° Pisces) - reveals to the magician quabbalistic methods, regarding mental wandering and the elevation into other spheres that lie outside our planetary system. In these spheres the magician will acquire that kind of knowledge which a person not initiated into magic could never comprehend. Hagomi will teach the magician how to influence our zone girdling the earth mentally, astrally and physically from other spheres in which he has set his mental body.
south node is past lives- PLACE WHERE MOON RISES
Fig. 186: Argaro (12° Virgo) - is the custodian of all relics, holy places, temples, churches, statues of saints, pictures of saints, etc. and, furthermore, of all religions of the world from the beginning of mankind up to modern ages. A magician in contact with this head will be informed by him how divine ideas, deities, etc. are symbolised by pictures of saints, statues, temples and other symbols. He also tells the magician how in turn pictures, statues, monuments are, as personified deities, true analogies of the divine ideas, concepts, etc. Argaro also explains to the magician the rites with personified deities and reveals to him their secret meanmg.
Conjunct Zosma A victim or a savior
Fig. 185: Yraganon (11° Virgo) - If the magician wants to have esteem, success, honour and riches in business, this head can help him a great deal in this respect by putting at his disposal his subordinates. Apart from this, he can make the magician achieve great skill in his trade or profession. All trade men having to deal with metals, expecially iron are under the special protection of this head, thus, for instance, technicians, constructors, engineers, smiths, mechanics, etc. If the magician carries out any such jobs, he can achieve great things with the help of this head of the zone girdling the earth.
PLL BETELGEUSE *** Success which is not blocked.
Fig. 182: Alpaso (8° Virgo) - Since the beginning of human records this head has been the protector of all poor and supressed. In the Akasha he controls the fates of all slaves, beggars, gipsies, homeless persons, etc. He also helps persons who, by having become addicts to narcotics, are thrown out of the normal way of life, especially in cases where these people should, according to their fate, not be met by any accidents. Such people then pass every inconvenience without difficulties. Here the saying may be applied that "drunkards have a charmed life".
Rising sign is soul path as is Pluto.
Fig. 244: Caraschi (10° Scorpio) - protects and inspires all human beings occupied with medical magnetism. Caraschi shows the magician many methods in magical medicine, whether adtransfer - vitalized life-magnetism - or Prana-treatment are concerned. He learns these things without taking any risks. Whole volumes could be written on the range of competence of this intelligence. 1t depends, however, on the magician's will whether he wants to be inspired by this head and get first hand information.
Fig. 161: Odac (17° Leo) - is an initiator into the magic of cosmic love and acquaints the magician with theurgic magic love methods and teaches him how to apply them in the mental, astral and physical worlds.
PLL SUALOCIN Tantalising but naive.
Fig. 160: Ychniag (16° Leo) - entrusts the magician with the methods which make accessible to him omniscience and the highest divine intuition and he shows him how his intellect can be enlightened by these divine virtues.
Vertex Significant relationships, Karmic fate, and the method of reception of energies.
Fig. 106: Eneki (22° Gemini) - This head can, in the most diverse ways, initiate the magician into the art of prophecy and prediction. Eneki provides the magician in this respect with sagacity and high intuition. If a magician gets into contact with this intelligence, he will be taught to control all kinds of foretelling, chieromancy, graphology, etc.
PLL HAMAL To follow one's own path
Fig. 108: Ygarimi (24° Gemini) - has been commissioned to explain to the magician all causes in the mental, astral or physical plane registered in the Akasha-principle. Therefore, if the magician has good connections with this head he' will be taught by him how causes which have been conjured up by thoughts, feelings, qualities of character, physical actions etc. are to be differed from each other in the Akasha-principle. Furthermore, how, from these causes in the Akasha-principle, fate in the mental, astral and physical plane can be reliably predicted. If the magician learns to make these differences, he will be able to predict hindrances which later will occur in the mental, astral and physical world. This head, Ygarimi, will show the magician means and ways of diminishing such hindrances, sometimes even how to eliminate them completely.
CONJUNCT CAPELLA Love of movement
Fig. 106: Eneki (22° Gemini) - This head can, in the most diverse ways, initiate the magician into the art of prophecy and prediction. Eneki provides the magician in this respect with sagacity and high intuition. If a magician gets into contact with this intelligence, he will be taught to control all kinds of foretelling, chieromancy, graphology, etc.
CONJUNCT PHACT To quest adventure.
Fig. 106: Eneki (22° Gemini) - This head can, in the most diverse ways, initiate the magician into the art of prophecy and prediction. Eneki provides the magician in this respect with sagacity and high intuition. If a magician gets into contact with this intelligence, he will be taught to control all kinds of foretelling, chieromancy, graphology, etc.
CONJUNCT BELLATRIX ** Success through the Shadow.
Fig. 105: Mimosah (21° Gemini) - All people dealing with law are under the care and supervision of this head of the zone girdling the earth. If this head is called for in any legal matter with an unjust sentence or settlement, either Mimosah himself or someone of his subordinates will render the magician help. Therefore it is only right to regard this head as the guardian of all human rights. All judges, lawyers etc. who have to do with legal affairs, can, should they be magicians, refer to this intelligence at any time.
Fig. 256: Schaluach (22° Scorpio) - This head is equipped with almost the same faculties and powers as the before mentioned one; he renders man advice and assistance by intuition in even the most difficult situations of life where, under normal conditions, there is no possibility of escape. This intelligence finds the right remedy in every situation and lets the magician know about it by intuition.
Fig. 231: Aglasis (27° Libra) - Everything connected with milk in respect of man and animal comes under the competence of this head, who is justly regarded as the guardian of babies and mam- mals. Aglasis has, during the course of time, taught mankind to milk animals and not only to use the milk as a beverage, but also for the making of other products. Thus man has learned to produce from milk butter, cottage cheese, and so on. The working up of milk is still very far from having reached its climax, and the magician may be introduced into many novelties in this respect.
Fig. 226: Ornion (22° Libra) - is the initiator into physiology. He does not only teach the magician the usual facts about physiology, but also lets him look at this field of science from the hermetic point of view. Ornion makes the magician acquainted with all the necessary scientific facts by which the latter can tell the character and personal peculiarities of an individual already by his appearance. For the reader's information I mention here a number of faculties which this head can awake in the magician: the art of reading from a person's face (physionomy), the art of reading from a person's forehead, the art of chiromancy, of diagnosing from fingers and fingernails, from the eyes, etc.
Fig. 72: Magelucha (18° Taurus) - gives the magician various instructions on how to operate magically with the elements of the air and of water in the mental, astral and physical plane, and how he can make use of these two powers to reach various goals. Magelucha is a master of these two elements and his practices he only reveals to the mature and genuine magician. The magician can learn much from this head in respect of fluids and their application for various purposes.
PLL ALHENA To have a mission.
Fig. 71: Ubarim (17° Taurus) - initiates the magician into the use of various means for the blazing up of love and friendship and he can give the magician many methods and instructions in this respect. At the same time the magician receives from this head detailed instructions for the manufacture of amulets of love and friendship. Ubarim can also charge amulets and talismans for this purpose, either by himself or by his servants, should the magician request it.
PLL ALDEBARAN *** Success through integrity
Fig. 71: Ubarim (17° Taurus) - initiates the magician into the use of various means for the blazing up of love and friendship and he can give the magician many methods and instructions in this respect. At the same time the magician receives from this head detailed instructions for the manufacture of amulets of love and friendship. Ubarim can also charge amulets and talismans for this purpose, either by himself or by his servants, should the magician request it.
Fig. 185: Yraganon (11° Virgo) - If the magician wants to have esteem, success, honour and riches in business, this head can help him a great deal in this respect by putting at his disposal his subordinates. Apart from this, he can make the magician achieve great skill in his trade or profession. All trade men having to deal with metals, especially iron are under the special protection of this head, thus, for instance, technicians, constructors, engineers, smiths, mechanics, etc. If the magician carries out any such jobs, he can achieve great things with the help of this head of the zone girdling the earth.
Conjunction ZOSMA -- A victim or a saviour
Fig. 185: Yraganon (11° Virgo) - If the magician wants to have esteem, success, honour and riches in business, this head can help him a great deal in this respect by putting at his disposal his subordinates. Apart from this, he can make the magician achieve great skill in his trade or profession. All trade men having to deal with metals, expecially iron are under the special protection of this head, thus, for instance, technicians, constructors, engineers, smiths, mechanics, etc. If the magician carries out any such jobs, he can achieve great things with the help of this head of the zone girdling the earth.
Fig. 91: Morilon (7° Gemini) - This head is a marvellous initiator and master of symbolism. By pointing out various methods to the magician, he teaches him how to gain the faculty of expressing every outside form, in this physical world, by symbols in its mental and astral equivalencies analogous to the laws of the microcosm and macrocosm. At the same time he learns from Morilon the faculty of how to express any law, any quality, regardless from whatever sphere, by an exterior shape. In possession of this faculty, the magician can become an interpreter of dreams, for he is then able to explain any dream. By being able to learn about the symbols of the analogies the magician also learns to understand completely any being appearing to him in any sphere whatsoever. A magician endowed with these faculties will never be deceived by any being, for it will always have to take on the shape of its true qualities.
Fig. 206: Apollyon (2° Libra) - This head has inspired mankind since its creation in respect of the working-up of metals, depending on their state of development. Apollyon is regarded as the original initiator of all those people who have been occupied with the working up of metals, no matter whether founder, smith, engineer, mechanic, or the like. Apollyon not only is the original initiator into all the ideas in this field, but he also is their loyal custodian.
Fig. 57: Manmes (3° Taurus) - is an expert of the magical knowledge of plants. From this head the magician learns to recognize the various plants from the hermetic point of view, and is introduced by him into the art of bringing about various effects by applying plants in a magical manner. Manmes draws the magician's attention to various plants which can be used as incense material and which can serve the magician well as an aid for various operations.
Pll REGULUS*** Success if revenge is avoided.
Fig. 67: Paguldez (13° Taurus) - is an excellent initiator into all the aspects of the magic of nature. If the magician gets into touch with this head, he learns from him, how to get going, by natural means, various powers, how to bring about certain causes, resp. effects which almost reach the unnatural. At the magician's special request this head will reveal to him by which means he can bring about various phenomena of nature. - For information I mention here that the contra-genius is guardian of the secrets of various sorcery projects of the magic of nature.
Fig. 118: Helali (4° Cancer) - This head is an excellent initiator into sympathy-mummial magic. He can give information on how, with the help of the elements, the magician practising mummial magic can bring about various effects, and he can apart from that, explain to the magician the influence of the electric and magnetic fluids on nature. Helali introduces the magician into special working methods which have not been known to anyone up to now and which have to do with mummial magic. The special mummial-magic instructions given by him or by his servants can help the magician bring about effects which he would have never thought of.
Pll HAMAL To follow one's own path
Fig. 138: Akahimo (24° Cancer) - This head instructs the magician on how to know and control the various degrees of oscillation of the divine virtues, qualities and powers from the Akasha-principle of the zone girdling the earth for the purpose of emanation. What this faculty means, cannot be explained by simple words; it can only be grasped by the genuine magician who also deals in practice with this high science.
Fig. 224: Agikus (20° Libra) - Man still faces many great problems and mysteries in electro-chemistry, and they will not be revealed to him until the far off future. However, this head can unveil to the magician many secrets in this respect and entrust him with the relevant knowledge. Agikus is the original initiator into galvanic electricity. Following his intuitive inspirations, men have invented batteries, accumulators, the dissolving of metals by electricity, catalysts, etc. Electro-homoeopathy, too, comes under the competence of this head. He allowed me to look into the future, and I saw tiny quantities of chemical compounds changing into great electrical discharges with an immense voltage and amperage, the knowledge of which will be of great value to men in the technical and domestic domain. To give details about this here, would sound incredible and too much like a fairy story, and, in order not to sound ridiculous, I desist from giving any details. When mankind is more mature and more developed a few eminent individuals will be inspired by this head with new inventions and discoveries.
Fig. 158: Texai (14° Leo) - By this head the magician is taught to understand and absorb fully the synthesis of all religious systems and philosophies. Apart from this, he is initiated into the transmutation of the symbolic presentation of philosophical systems into intellectual language.
Fig. 158: Texai (14° Leo) - By this head the magician is taught to understand and absorb fully the synthesis of all religious systems and philosophies. Apart from this, he is initiated into the transmutation of the symbolic presentation of philosophical systems into intellectual language.
Fig. 2: Asmodel - Taurus - is the second original genius of the Jupiter sphere. He is responsible for the direction and control of the original principle of cosmic love with all its aspects and analogies, in all spheres and on all planes and planets of the hierarchy. The magician who gets into contact with this original genius will be made capable of perceiving the deepest mysteries of love not only in its emotional and intellectual aspects, but also from the point of view of wisdom. This original genius explains to the magician how any kind of cosmic vibration of love can be caused in any sphere, no matter whether by evocation or mental wandering, whether by magic or by quabbalah. All miracles that can be caused and realized in love matters by magic and quabbalah, i. e. not only in our own physical world or in the zone girdling our earth, but also on all other planets and in all other spheres, are made available to the magician by this genius. All the ways of holiness which behold Divinity under the aspect of love are directed by Asmodel, and the conscious sphere magician is instructed, theoretically as well as practically, in all the aspects. The magician interested in the mysteries of cosmic love existing in the whole cosmic hierarchy will find this genius to be the best initiator.
Fig. 63: Orienell (9° Taurus) - gives information on occult aids, auxiliary methods etc. which may contribute to the development of various mental, astral and physical faculties. Orienell also reveals to the magician by which manner he can acquire any certain faculty. Such aids are mainly rites, formulae or gestures as I know from own former practical experience with this head. If the magician stays in contact with Orienell for a longer period of time he can make provisional notes on all magical aids, which are revealed to him by way of intuition by this head.
9) Orula, 10) Osoa, 11) Owina, 12) Obata, 13) Ogieh, 14) Obche, 15) Otra. - The intelligences numbered 9-15 are initiators with regard to the fertility of men and women. They are representatives of peace and of marital happiness. Assisted by these intelligences, the magician can awaken love between men and women, can secure the favour of men and women, and achieve everything that has to do with love and propagation.
Fig. 8: Kahetel - is the name of the eighth genius of the Mercury sphere. This genius teaches the magician to control the electromagnetic fluid by the magic of elements, enabling him to cause the most diverse phenomena in nature. The magician is also taught by this genius how to influence, positively or negatively, the growth of plants by the help of electromagnetic fluids. Having learned from this genius certain powerful words, the magician will be able to cause rain, snow, thunderstorm, hailstorm, etc., and make them cease again.
Fig. 5: Amser - The fifth genius caters to the enlivening of the matter by the positive and negative principles, i. e. by electricity and magnetism in our physical world, by the electrical and magnetic fluids in all planets and spheres of our cosmic hierarchy.
Fig. 3: Ezhesekis - This head, the third of the Moon sphere, shows the magician how, by the correlative influences of the moon sphere, he can procure for himself, in the Akasha-principle, happiness and everything good. Since this head's influence usually works on the physical world, he and his subordinates will help the magician to good luck and success in all earthly matters.
The purpose of this Astrological Calculator is to calculate an accurate natal horoscope in an entirely different manner. Although this knowledge has been in existence since time immemorial, it was however known only to very few initiates.
From the editor: This branch of astrology is known as "Kabbalistic Astrology." Kabbalistic Astrology gives the astrologer access to entities known as principles, intelligences, genii or angels and their respective spheres. Each entity has a sphere of operation that is under the jurisdiction of that particular entity. They guide and influence human beings in their fields of endeavour, whether it is the arts, the sciences, trades etc.
On Earth we erroneously attribute mankind with certain outstanding abilities such as inventions, composing, artistry etc., whereas astrologers attribute these abilities to the constellations and planets. However, truth be told: they all were influenced and still are influenced to this day by these entities and were given their abilities more of less by these entities at birth. This applies to all future inventions, new directions in ideology, etc. The spheres occupied by these entities are analogue to all the constellations, the planets in our solar system including the zone girdling the Earth, the astral world, commonly known as the beyond, which all human beings enter once they leave this earthly plane. All these entities are subject to a hierarchy as far as their rank in the divine order is concerned and everything they do is subject to Divine Providence.
Each entity has particular attributes for which it is responsible. It is the task of this entity to impart these attributes or knowledge to human beings. In Franz Bardon's book, The Practice of Magical Evocation, there are 663 positive entities listed with their particular attributes and their sphere of operation. There also exist the same number of negative entities in these spheres. The name and seal of these entities contain their attributes, and any practitioner of the Kabbalah can easily decipher them.
The names of these entities have not been channeled or obtained by spiritualists, but have been obtained by Franz Bardon through personal contact. With this astrological dial you will now be able to easily determine all the entities that pertain to you personally or any other person. The entities that pertain to you or any other person are unique. These wonderful gifts are not forced upon you or any other person at birth. Because of free will, it is at our own discretion whether we choose to develop them. The entities that prevail at our time of birth and the attributes they posses form the basis of our abilities, attributes, and talents.
To obtain this information, one's time of birth and the time of sunrise on that date are required. The instructions of how to use this astrological dial are included in the package. When these instructions are followed, you will have the names of the entities that pertain to you at your finger tips; then all you have to do is look them up in The Practice of Magical Evocation and you will have a detailed description of your abilities and talents. General Information: This package contains an astrological dial, fold out charts and instructions. 1) The astrological dial contains all the entities by number with their respective planets coded with the appropriate planetary colours. The Astrological dial also contains a twenty-four hour clock with two-minute increments and a 360-degree indicator. These indicators make it possible to set the time and simultaneously obtain the particular entities at the time of birth. 2) The fold out charts make calculating easier, containing both the number and the name of the entity.