I was watching Michael J. Fox on Oprah tonight and was listening to Dr. Oz, describe Parkinson's disease and this could apply to many such as Alzheimers and MS. Our minds and our bodies change. We are no longer in control of our faculties and our abilities to talk and walk change.
AS I watched him walk out on stage and he was not able to stand up and walked with a crooked walk, I teared up as I realized that use to be me. I realized how people must of looked at me. A look of pity. A look of sadness. Is this how people use to look at me. I remember the time when I could not talk, just like Michael J. Fox, found it extremely difficult to speak correctly. I so wanted to hug the man but I could not so I only have one choice and that is to spread his word.
Inside we feel normal, but we are not. Our brains just don't work like everyone's else and we are angry. We are real angry.
We have a gemini personality because some days we are fine and then the slightest thing sets us off. Michael has accomplished alot and he is returning to tv and has hope for a cure. He is an advocate of stem cell research of course. He has a positive attitude which is mandatory in this illness. He is a success story.
But lets get back to normal people not stars who are dealing with this debilitating disease. It is not difficult to search for the correct diet, the juicing alternatives, the right juicer but there is so much more to conquering this disease. The disease of the heart. We want to be loved. But as sick people we are so afraid we will never be loved as we are different. The fear that no one will love us and only pity us. As we get sick, we think more about the end and so want to spend our last days happy and we have hope for a future not alone but the first things that come to our minds, is that we will never be loved. Fear that all love is gone and only pity remains.
The fear that we cannot take care of ourself, the fear of loneliness and the fear of the unknown. It is hard for anyone to understand these fears if you have never been sick. But I thank God, I did get sick so I can know the feelings that you are feeling and I can reach out to you and tell the world of our pain so your close ones can help.
I just loved the story of Jade Goodman and how the man she loved married her in the end. They did not let her illness stop her happiness. She did say she did it for financial gain in the end to take care of her family but that is alright she was happy for awhile.
I felt so compelled to write this story about Michael J. Fox as I saw him walk on the stage a semi-cripple. I so hope that everyone reaches out to someone sick and helps them in some way. Start today by treating them normal, do not pity them, but be their friend. You will see that we will eliminate alot of people out of our lives as stress is a huge problem for Parkinsons and Alzheimers and MS. Stress is the number one problem for us and we must eliminate those who cause us stress. Lol, I would have to eliminate half of curezone. So hug those closest to you, treat them with respect, include them in your outings and do something fun. Don't let them ever feel different and treat them to regular beauty treatments.
They are not different, they are blessed and surely they have many blessings from God for their patience. Ren is a nurse and I know her job is difficult and I am hoping she chimes in here and gives us some tips on how we can help those in need.
I am hoping those who know of someone with a debilitating illness chimes in and shares their stories, but I hope mainly that we each will be more tolerant and more patient with those who just plain cannot help theirself.
I am not oppressed, I am blessed.