Actually, the reason for the "PURE" water, is that juices & broths are not as "hydrating" as plain water. And it *might* be tougher for some nutrients to assimilate when mixed with the clay/fiber (???). I know that it's a false rumor that one cannot assimilate nutrients when taken with activated charcoal:http://healingtools.tripod.com/char6.html
And I know that obviously the IF#2 (taken per instructions) doesn't interfere with overall assimilation, or every dying patient he had, would have died instead of being healed. But perhaps directly mixing the juice/broth (or taking it within seconds afterward) isn't as optimal as taking it 'per instructions' (???)
And why you can't dilute 1 heaping teaspoon of IF#2 with 8-16
oz of water, rather than taking it in 4-6
ounces of water/juice, and then slamming down more water?
Beats me. It seems the 'after water' would mix with the IF#2 in the stomach the same as mixing them together...but I'm afraid the only answer I have on this one really is - "because
Dr. Schulze says so". (And this protocol has worked successfully for tens of thousands, if not millions of people 'as written').
I'm going with "if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it" :)
Good questions though :)
Slime ON! :::grin:::