Hi Bob,
Thanks very much for your response. I'm just getting ready to do the flushes, and cleanses and thought I'd start with the
Watermelon Seed Tea to stimulate and cleanse the kidneys. The reason is I was eating approx. 1/2 of a
Watermelon a day when I started on the raw food diet in May, 03. I figured that my body knew best, so when I read about the
Watermelon Seed Tea remedy I bought a
Watermelon with seeds (all I consumed before were seedless)thinking maybe that's what I needed in eating the watermelon.
I'm drinking a cup or 2 a day, and it's the only tea I'm drinking now. (I add a peppermint tea bag for taste) It does act like a diaretic so I figure it's working. A few other things are going on with my body too..but I'll wait to make sure it's from the
Watermelon seed tea. I'm pretty sure they are related.
Next flush/cleanse will be the lemonade or Master cleanse.