Interesting links--it makes sense that if moly helps the liver with the sulfation pathway, and also clears copper from the liver, that there is a connection.
I can't help think too, that people that have had gallbladder surgery, have some scarring.
>>><< I wonder how people who have copper tox are thought to get it? >>
They have a problem where they don't excrete enough of it via their bile.
This may be due to a defect in getting it into the bile, or due to generally
reduced bile flow.
Copper + mercury means liver not making bile or not putting
minerals into bile. Taurine + glycine + milk thistle or TAPS +
phosphatidylcholine should help with bile, zinc 4 times a day plus
a lot of molybdenum should slowly immprove copper.
ok - but why would the liver not make enough bile? - might this
itself be due to mercury/other metals,
Well, maybe. If only copper is elevated it is usually something else.
If copper and mercury, more often something else than not. With this
particular case that led to the message, the lead is probably killing
her liver, which then can't handle the copper and mercury so that gets
piled on top of the lead. Very unfortunate.
and sort itself out after chelation ?
Maybe. Maybe not. Once all the lead is gone and all the mercury is
goine and copper is down to reasonable levels I'd suggest stopping
therapy and continuing serial hair tests to make sure the copper stays
where it belongs. The chicken and egg problem of bad liver or bad
metals first is impossible to sort out right now.
Andy . . . .. . . .