To save yourself lots of money, find yourself an agricultural store if possible, and buy yourself a large (ie 40 lb.) bag of magnesium sulfate...also known as
Epsom Salts . It's a fraction of the cost, and if you have lots on hand, you're more likely to use it! I keep mine closed tightly in a dark closet. This way, you can always add some aromatherapy oils (anything from lavender to citrus blends) to the salts in a mason jar, let them "blend" for at least a few hours, and you have a spa quality
Epsom Salt soak (might as well get the most out of it!) I try to treat myself once a week, and maybe more once gardening season starts up.
If you don't live near the country, try a garden centre. They might have larger quantities of it than you would find in the drug store or health food store.
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