What a year is right, Mom!
Well...who knows what will happen with the case against the doctor - you do actually have a 'windfall' aspect coming up! I kid you not. I don't usually like to say things like this in case hopes are up and it doesn't happen...but it IS highly possible! Perhaps it will be that you win the custody case...whatever it is it is a 'change of fortune for the better'...something surprising and benevolent and just plain good! And it DOES have to do with the Law (Jupiter will be sitting on your Uranus...sounds funny, I know!)...interesting how both of these issues for you have to do with the Law and Jupiter is reeeally affecting your planets. Things will look up!
Also...I don't know why I didn't say 'head' problems as well because there seemed to be 3 options in the past year for health problems: abdominal stuff, kidneys and HEAD problems. (Saturn in Cancer - abdominal/stomach-anxiety stuff was squaring your own Saturn in Aries (head) and squaring your own Mars in Libra (kidneys...and the feeling of being beautiful!). Those three aspects were challenged this year...sounds rough, Mom...but the worst is over...
The summer and fall looks very positive with lots of benevolent Jupiterian energies around and the winter has a great sense of timing project start-possibility...good energies.
The surgery will go well and then it will almost be like it never happened because your Taurus Self gets a huge boost of positive guidance and energy to do with your Health and Self in August/September...
Right now Pluto is urging you to seek what you TRULY want for your life....he's telling you to not be afraid of going after what you want...if you resist change...change comes to it's better to be the instigator of change!
If you're feeling like you need to do something NEW - just do it (there are a couple of influences here that are urging you to be true to yourself)...don't resist your impulse for new horizons...there is something that needs to change in the way you've structured your life...
That is crazy about your daughter and the 'isolated incidents' thing - jeeeez!!! sounds like you will get custody which is good...(right...your values are about nurturing and protecting and that is being activated right now, too...)
I hope to hear from you, Mom, with an update...
love Tracey