Gracealicious!! Yeeeehaw! That is great!
So...Gracey..that is just fantastic! You are fully into the very first year of your 13-year cycle...and it is ruled by Blue Monkey! ahhhh this is so great! I shows that the theme for your next 13 years will be about turning your Challenge - Blue Monkey - into what you DO, your Focus! And Blue Monkey represents your MUSIC, totally! That playful, creative side of yourself that you're bringing out perfect. I am really excited for you. Sooo great that you are meeting musicians and bands...
I checked out your Relocation chart and actually where you are is pretty good (are you still in NY?)...Boston could be better maybe...anywhere along that Neptune
Master-Cleanse line is good (even though the astro-travel-click talks about delusion etc (the negative side of Neptune if it is ill-aspected in your chart) ..but it's great for Musicians and those with imaginations and connections to the other world...inspired!! You, of course, have that fabulous Grand Trine with Neptune sitting up there in your 10th your Neptune is healthy AND it's in your Calling/Career follow your inspiration, Gracey and sing sing sing!
Oooh I just had a resonant know how, in your Galactic Signature Blue Monkey is your Challenge and your Focus as you mature? Well...we could say that Neptune is representative of your Blue Monkey and you have Neptune in your 10th house (saturn's home do with your Focus, Calling, Life Objective and what you have to work at to get)...and Saturn is always connected to the word 'challenge and focus'! So...there ya go! Your Blue Monkey is all there in the western chart too...oooh yes!
Yes, it really looks like NY and MA is good for your musical career...
Are you writing songs again? Remember how you wrote 6 in a couple of days a few months ago?
cool, Gracey!
love Tracey