The Earth Families are as follows:
Yellow Seed, Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm.
Blue Night, Yellow Star, Red Skywalker, White Mirror
White Wind, Blue Hand, Yellow Human, Red Earth
Red Dragon, White World-Bridger, Blue Monkey, Yellow Warrior
Yellow Sun, Red Serpent, White Dog, Blue Eagle
Your central Glyp (who you ARE) decides which Earth Family you are
i know these cycle thru each family
every 3 months upon itself,
and that the actual family influence on each
occurs in such a ways as say...
example.. when someone within my earth family
might be under their own
cycle of umm white wizard when i would be in yellow seed...
then in 3 months they would goto their blue storm pattern
and i would goto red moon/
then next i would goto white wizard
while they were in yellow seed etc...
i understand this.. the recycling,
my question is WHEN do we change? 8)
is it the same time every 3 months?
like x date every 3 months EVERY earth family shift?
and also how do i find out
what current earth family phase i am in now?
i know it has to be one of the 4 glyphs
of the earth family i am in...
but, wHEN do we move on into next family phase
within our own groups? *)
thanks for taking the time to answer.
i hope i worded myself in a understandable way 8)
this issue i cannot seem to figure outat all.
hoping you can help me on this confusing question
sure has me confounded
Ami Joi Benton