I started making orgonite about 8 months ago, it's all over my property and my shop.
I use marine resin (it's a two part resin you can buy for about 30 bucks at a hardware store) whatever metal shavings I can get, small amounts of scrap silver and gold, and I always add copper.
Crystal is important, I've been using chips from chips strands that cost about 2.00 bucks each, and they work every well.
You put your mixture of crystal- amythyst, clear crystal, citrine, all the same base as quartz crystal, different minerals that cause the coloring, metal shavings in a muffin tin. (I use plastic ones, no trouble getting everything out).
You can get copper at the grocery store, Chore boys scrubbers are made of copper, I got a great supply of shavings from someone who does deburring in a parts factory, and I make orgonite in exchange for her. Mix up the crystal and metal shavings in the muffin tin, and then mix the resin- usually two part resins come with an activator, which causes the stuff to harden and thicken. Make the stuff outside, it's fairly smelly. The biggest mistake everyone makes once (except all of you dear readers who are going to not not screw it up because they are reading this) is no not add enough activator. You should add enough so the resin is starting to thicken before you pour. If you can't get metal shavings, you can always use steel wool and chore boys.
What are the results for us in the last 8 months:
Better gas milage, no trouble with our older vehicles (be sure you put them in your cars)
Our well is more productive- I really though we might be running out of water because we are in a draught, and everyone else's water table is dropping except ours.
Our shop is doing better than last year. (Think recession!)
Nasty people have moved away, good people have replaced them.
My health is much better, I've been able to correct the postural things that I think would have crippled me quite soon, dispite the misery with the knee, my overall body mechanics are now correct, so I'm no longer in danger of a power chair from a 20 year old injury.
My husband and I don't fight as much & we get along better.
This stuff stops black magic cold, had a couple of nasty attempts (or maybe three, I can't remember) found the object immediately each time, so I could dump it under the torch. You know when something around you has been charged with negative energy, it sticks out like a sore thumb, so it's much easier to get rid of.
Theft in my shop is almost zero.
Although we are living through terrible times, my heart isn't broken all of the time, because I'm doing something that actually works that makes it better for everybody.
It's a very subtile energy shift, but the energy around your home shifts, for the better.
Not that this is a good measure of a life, but we have more money in the bank, fewer disasters, fewer con artists to deal with.
We are still surrounded by people who are angry, it's almost like a big zit about to pop, and it's sad to watch, and it does get you down if you have a heart at all, but, I can always go make a bit more orgonite, and figure out a way to leave it near something electrical.
I have it on top of my computer, on top of my TV, on top of my well, on top of the electric post they stick in the front yard, on top of the air conditioners and the heaters. On top of the microwave (stupid thing is built in). Inside the refirgerator, any thing that uses electicity or generates any kind of wave type frequency.
It takes a few hours, and a couple of goofs to figure out how to make it, if you want to understand why it works, look over the work of Wilhelm Reich. I wouldn't buy it, it's not difficult to make, and I suspect it picks up the energy of the maker, so when you make your orgonite, say your best prayers, don't feel foolish, just do it.
Since I've practiced ceremonial magic, I vibrate the names of the diety. But ANY prayer works, any good thought gets imprinted into the matrix that you are creating.
I haven't started making pendants, but the ones I've seen on the net are overpriced to say the least, the materials should cost no more than a few dollars, and I suspect the material is imprinted by the psyche of the maker, so MAKE YOUR OWN.
If you need places to buy material cheap, let me know, I don't have a source of cheap resin, but I've talked to someone who tracked down a 40 galleon bucket for about 80 dollars, I prefer to get it in small quanitites so I just make a little bit at a time.
It's definitely weather sensitive, go for a warm sunny day, and don't give up if you screw up your first batch, you will understand it better the second time you make it.
So start with a little batch of no more than six muffins, trust me, once you start, sources for the material will come to you all by themselves. I don't charge for it, I just give it away to anyone who senses it's potential, and try to get them to start making it also. It would be like charging someone to watch a sunrise, that's why I'm sort of against selling it or buying it. I've never been able yet to sell or buy a crystal, it would be like selling a human, so I can't to it with orgonite either. This isn't a good place to try a get rich quick scheme, I think for that there are consequences in karma and I wouldn't want to even think about.
Oh, this one is easy, crystal chip necklaces, Fire Mountain Gems
Amythyst chips:
Clear Crystal:
These guys also carry copper wire, and although they are wholesale, they do not reuqire a tax ID number.
Happy orgonite making!