Hi there!
So...I have been soooo busy lately - but I have a few minutes right now.
What are you mainly interested in? It's best if we can focus down into one thing - or else it's too much.
I'm not going into specifics because I'm not sure what you're most interested in - I'll just tell you what's going on right now.
You're in a big transition right now....quite huge, really.
Have you ever seen your chart? Well, you're a Gemini with a Gemini rising and Mercury right on your Ascendant...which means - woah, you're a quick-mover and quite a talker, thinker, idea-haver! You've got a great mind and it has a good anchor too - as well as some crazily-original thoughts too!
Your relationship house is ruled by Sagittarius (that's me!) - so you probably like your relationships to be with Jupiterian individuals - freedom-loving, growth-oriented, philosophical and perhaps even a little religious or spiritual...and you may have an abundance of relationships that are good for your own growth.
Pluto is making a huge move in your chart...in the next couple of years Pluto will be moving over the horizon of your chart into your Relationship house. Are you in a relationship right now? Relationships will start to feel quite intense...and either they will totally transform (because YOU are tranforming - your very thoughts are changing) or they will deepen.
I wonder if you have started to feel this? Looming intensity? Pluto will also be opposing your Mercury soon - so you may feel like, all of a sudden, new philosophies are entering your mind and you're having to re-assess your own ideas. Sometimes it may feel like others are trying to shove their ideas/philosophy/morality down your throat - just make sure that it isn't actually coming from YOU! Be cool. Listen to both sides - this transit will last for a couple of years - you'll feel it now - but it won't be full on until next year - your mind, ideas, philosophy is deepening and transforming...
This won't feel like it did in 1995/1996 when Pluto was opposing your Sun - did you have power struggles back then? It won't have to do with who you ARE and your Life Force - it will simply have to do with your Mind/Thought/Communication - who you communicate with too.
And, to a Gemini - anything that happens to their MIND happens to their very being! So this Pluto opposite Mercury is an important one in the growth of YOU.
You've also got some excitement happening in the Calling/Career/Life Objective house! Uranus is stirring things up there and at the same time squaring your Sun. So, are you feeling like you need to break out of some rut? Uranus is urging you to be FREE - to be yourself without any limitations! Any structures that you've built up around you that have oulived their purpose you've got to get rid of - you might experience structures you've built just disappearing - because if you don't do it voluntarily Uranus will do it for you! It's Revelation time, really, with Uranus up there in your 10th house...
Have you been having some Spiritual Revelations lately?? Because your Calling is all about Spirituality (or music, poetry...doctor/healing stuff) - it's ruled by Pisces - and your Sun is in the 12th house (naturally Pisces house)....so it's looking like you could be getting some pretty amazing dream messages lately. Have you been receiving other-worldly messages? Or having strange/cool synchronistic things happen lately?
Uranus is urging you to pay attention to your Higher Self...there are treasures there...If things are changing in your life it's just because Uranus wants you to focus on this 'other-worldly' spiritual stuff.
Because you are a Messenger!
I've got to go now - if you have any questions just let me know!
Oh yeah - you have a Taurus Moon trine Jupiter - you love your mother! ha - I mean - she provided you all things material and gave you total security and abundance...nice feelings towards your mother...
love Tracey