in such tough times, i know i'm not the only one who probably can't afford to see a dentist, but... i now have a worsening problem and i'm just hoping someone can help me fight it on my own...
here's my history:
* ever since i was a baby, i've had terrible ear infections - so living with them is just something i do ...i wouldn't suspect it might be because of a problem in my teeth.
* when i was a child, i was neglected and, along with other things, never taught to brush my teeth :( so, i have
Amalgam fillings in every nearly all my teeth except the very front ones.
* i also as a child developed severe gum disease and my gums are quite receded :( and my teeth feel very fragile - almost empty inside...
* then when i was a young teenager and didn't know any better, a dentist convinced me to have a root canal, for what reason was it necessary i still really don't know to this day.
...i am not certain it is because of that root canal, or one of the fillings in that area (upper left side) but i've had a vague discomfort and occasionally, a sensation of pressure when i chew.
i have told dentists about this for years and they just blew me off - the last one i told, i was foolish enough to wonder out loud whether it could be from teeth grinding (that was before i learned how messing with our teeth ...fillings, etc. causes problems) and, just like that, without checking me up at all, she was all patronizing " *smile* well, we just need to get that under control" - with a night time mouth guard... and with another dentist, i wasn't so lucky - since we couldn't figure out where the feeling was coming from (i can't tell which of the last 3 teeth in back it's coming from, and it deceptively feels to be between teeth/affecting two teeth at times ...i feel like it's in the tooth that had the root canal, but the dentists have been like, it can't be because there's no nerve there anymore...), she was very young and inexperienced and, she started opening up (drilling) all 3 of those teeth -------including drilling out older mercury fillings without any protection :((( (now that i think of this, i CRINGE!), and REfilling my poor teeth with mercury all over again-------there went my chance to at least be freed from some of the mercury :(
between other experiences and past experiences at an overworked clinic where a hygienist "scaled" my teeth in the time it takes for a racecar pitstop and shoved me out into the waiting room with blood spilling from my mouth so she could move onto the next victim, all of this was mostly before i was of legal age and before i had access to information and a caring community like this one, and, (coupled with the fact that i have barely been able to afford food at times, let alone necessary dental cleanings...) i haven't gone to any more dentists in years... and now...
that issue on the upper left side has always been with me (...along with severe, never-ending ear infections and general terrible health) and - i don't know if this has anything to do with it but, about a month ago i began oil pulling and, maybe it's just a coincidence but now the upper left side issue, i can't chew on that side because of it (i feel a lot of pressure if i chew and, maybe nobody will know what i'm talking about but, it feels like there are air bubbles in there and makes a slight ...squeaky sound?? and it's hurting even when i'm not chewing, and i feel a kind of "pulse" in my tooth and ear ...and my ear has been very angry and my neck glands are always swollen) .................and it seems like right after i've started chewing on the other side (coupled maybe with the oil pulling...), one/some of the fillings on the ~lower right~ side has loosened/lifted up and now THAT HURTS at times...
i don't know, maybe the only hope for me is to get xrays, drilling, and even extensive mouth surgery, but... i have no money - none - and not even a way to get around and i'm generally (figuratively) "paralyzed" so i was just hoping... does anyone think there can be a way to cure whatever the problem is (don't even know *sigh*) with my upper left side, or at least manage the pain while my tooth is rotting away? *sigh*
thank you to anyone who took the time to read all of this