Hi Dr Sutter,
Please can you help me with my current nightmare.
I was involved in a rta on 13 Sept.I was lucky and escaped with normal whiplash.X rays clearIn that incident my vehicle was written off.
Two weeks later I got back behind the wheel of the car and was back in work (prob shouldnt have) and then another idiot crashed into the side of my car when he reversed out of the car parking space into the left side of my vehicle and I got another jolt to my neck.
Since the second accident Ive been in agony.Ive had a few incidents of falling onto my knees when get a nervy pain/nervy twinge.
So far my orth surgeon says its normal whiplash but I was in another accident in Sept 07 and I had whiplash and it was not like this whatsoever.He ordered more x rays since 2nd acc and they're clear too.
My chiropractor says 15 out of 24 discs are effected.My dr says its pinched nerves,cervical vertigo along with post traumatic stress.
My other symptoms are
Getting sick
Tired whole time-Im 25 and should have loads of energy but I feel like an old woman.
Constant pain,dizziness,heavy head and neck feeling,pins and needles in left arm,all over back pain especially in the left side.My back pain seems to be running up and down my spine colum ie not located in one muscular area. Sometimes feels like cant hold my body/torso up.
Pain is there whether Im lying down,sitting,walking or should that be waddling at the moment
Ive tried physiotherapy and do my exercises-no relief
Reflexology-no relief
Chiropractor-Had to stop because it made me vomit and the dizziness escalated.
Massage-No relief.
Do you have any idea on what I could have or am I going mad and just have whiplash?
Look forward in hearing from you.
Many Thanks!