This is a running debate with many and I am posting this here just for information on how regular salt is dead food.
by Wayne Gendel
Sea Salt vs. Refined Salt
The Bible lists nearly 50 references to salt such as the requirement of adding salt to a grain offering (Leviticus 2:13).
Historically salt was used as a barter, due to its high society value and esteem. Animals, no matter how much mineral content they may derive from the vegetable matter they graze on, instinctively seek out natural salt licks to complete their diet . . . Or they die. So bottom line… Is salt good or bad?
table salt and most
Sea Salt is bad and as we will discover is synthetic and not natural at all!
Synthetic salt commonly referred to as
table salt and most
Sea Salt s have little or no nutritional value. They are dead energy! as opposed to living, refined salt, instead of being whole, and adulterated as opposed to being pure.
table salt and many sea salts goes through an 8 step refining process:
* Brine enters a series of heaters which elevate the temperature to 290 degrees under high pressure.
2. Heat supercharged brine goes into a "graveler" filled with cobblestones to remove impurities.
3. Pressure is lowered via a series of "flashers," cooling the brine to 226 degrees, allowing crystallization to begin.
4. Salt crystals form in a large evaporator pan with the wet salt being automatically raked into a large well.
5. The wet salt then goes into a centrifugal separator removing remaining brine.
6. The salt then goes into a rotary dryer, making the salt perfectly dry.
7. Magnetic screens are then used to separate the salt into different sizes.
8. Salt of different sizes are stored in their respective bins.
High heat processing kills energy and leaves us dead salt!
* NOTE! This removes 82 of the 84 minerals found in sea water. Refined salt now called sodium chloride has the addition of harmful
additives to prevent moisture absorption and caking adulterates the salt.
* You now have a "junk food," and to make matters worse, alumino-silicate of sodium or yellow prussiate of soda. Aluminum compounds are highly toxic, having been associated with Alzheimer's Disease and other conditions!
* The Final Step To Make Common Table Salt The Tie For #1 Worst Food!
Sugar (dextrose) has also been a typical additive to salt to keep it free-flowing. Yes salt has 20% refined
Sugar added! - Now you have the absolute worst food for us!
It's not too hard to see that the processing of salt renders it a "junk food." To understand the motivation, however, one need only follow the money. The primary use of salt is not as a food additive, but for industrial purposes. Only 7% of salt manufactured goes for food; the other 93% goes to industry. Industry requires chemically pure sodium chloride for manufacture of explosives, chlorine gas, soda, fertilizers and plastics. Since refined table salt is formulated specifically for industrial and chemical usage, little concern is given to its toxic effect on human biology.
Of course the trace minerals originally in salt are quite valuable. Manufacturers can sell off the other 82 elements found in sea water, leaving only sodium and chloride, and make a lot of extra money. The resulting refined table salt still tastes salty, though like white
Sugar or white flour it is missing most of its original nutrients
‘Living’ Celtic Sea Salt
Living Electrolytes, Mineral Rich!
Most’ “sea salt" is essentially the same as regular table salt - it is a refined salt. The term "sea salt" means that the salt was derived from sea water. In almost all cases, it is totally refined. Furthermore most sea salts are:
1. Mechanically harvested from dirt or concrete containments with bulldozers and piped through metallic pipes
2. Exposed to very high heat which cracks its crystalline structure. This makes most all salts much harder to digest, more acidic. Notice how it irritates
3. Refining reduces most if not all its essential minerals
4. Adulterated by chemical
additives used to make it flow freely, bleached to a white color, and iodized to unnaturally high levels and possibly added dextrose! Yes SUGAR!
Most "Sea Salt" sold in health food stores generally comes from the same salt refineries as the regular supermarket table salt. It is 98%+ sodium chloride. The term "Sea Salt" is a deceptive misnomer. Your first clue is its bleached unnatural white color.
CELTIC SEA SALT - A Different Super Salt
Celtic Sea Salt has been produced by the same hand methods of "salt farming" off the Brittany Coast of France for centuries. It is naturally air and sun dried in clay ponds and gathered by hand with wooden tools. This natural sun energy processing maintains the properties of ‘living’ enzyme content. It is unrefined so it contains 82-84 elements found in sea water. It is unadulterated with no anti-caking
additives or bleaching. This is the historic way salt has been produced for thousands of years. This is the kind of salt spoken of so favorably in the Bible.
SALT - What’s Inside
Table Salt is dead, not living. Is 97.5% sodium chloride and up to 2.5% chemical additives NaCl (sodium-chloride), a chemical as clean as Heroin or
White Sugar ! Additives 0.01% of Potassium-Iodide (added to the salt to avoid
Iodine deficiency disease of thyroid gland), dextrose/sugar (added to stabilize
Iodine and as anti-caking chemical), Aluminum silicate. Very acidic, leaches minerals from the body.
* Sea Salt is 98% + sodium chloride and up to 2% other minerals. And often additives the same as table salt.
* CELTIC SEA SALT is only 84% sodium and 16% minerals and contains 82 minerals! Alkaline 8.5 pH.
* Celtic Sea Salt actually alkalinizes your body, removes toxins, heavy metals, acidic conditions (most health is caused by acidity) thyroid support, can lower blood pressure and much more!
Our bodies possess 3 internal fluids that closely resemble the content of sea water: blood plasma, lymphatic fluid, and extra cellular fluid. Celtic Sea Salt has that same mineral content as the oceans and these bodily fluids.
1. Taste Test different salts and you will find that Celtic Sea Salt does not irritate your mouth like acidic table salt and other salts such as Himalayan. The taste is slightly sweet, smooth and satisfying. Clients notice less cravings.
2. Celtic does not cause excessive thirst as other salts. The reason is because Celtic Sea Salt has so many other minerals present such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and various trace minerals to balance out the sodium.
3. Enhanced Digestion – the sodium in Celtic Sea Salt activates the salivary enzyme in the mouth - the very first enzyme in the digestive process. Sodium is required by the parietal cells of the stomach wall to make hydrochloric acid for digestion.
4. Sinus or Bronchial Congestion - Celtic Salt literally flushes mucous out of the body when you use it as a salt flush.
5. Adrenals - Your adrenal glands run on sodium, not the toxic refined sodium chloride table salt. A significant part of immune response comes from adrenal hormone secretions. Feed your adrenals
6. Sleep – taking some Celtic Salt at bedtime, generally results in longer, uninterrupted, more refreshing sleep.
7. High Blood Pressure - High blood pressure can be aggravated by common refined dead table salt. Many people experience a lowering of blood pressure by using Celtic Salt.
8. Fluid Retention – 1
oz of table or regular sea salt retains up to 7# of water in your body. Celtic Salt can correct the balance because of its high electrolyte minerals and actually release retained water.
9. Trauma - Celtic Salt can be beneficial for shock, burns (not externally), hemorrhage, surgery and physical trauma.
10. Misc. Conditions – will correct over acidity due to 8.5 pH! Remember virtually all health conditions are due to excess acidity, allergies, skin conditions, better digestion, constipation, food cravings, headaches, fatigue and many more.