What Medications Can Really Do For Mental Disorders In Reality
Well, objectively the point is that all such medications for mental disorders, including the antipsychotics / neuroleptics are important and extremely much more useful than anything else in serving the primary purpose of bringing down and suppress all the hardly controllable and involuntary symptoms of the mental disorders such as violent emotional outbursts, purposeless abrupt traumatic reactions, various phobia behaviours, miscellaneous involuntary and uncontrollable deep hallucinations / delusions etc. This is the case especially and particularly when no other interpersonal efforts from other persons could achieve such a purpose.
However, when it comes to genuinely treating the mentally-ill people so as to enable their mental conditions and cognitive sanities to get practically and realistically better and better in a permanently sustainable manner from time to time as well as to let them feel more and more confident about themselves, that would be another different story. This is due to the very undisputed fact that all the antipsychotics / neuroleptics and any medications for mental disorders, well, no matter how advanced they are, there is simply no way for such medications to deliver any of the actual healing effects that are equivalent to the interpersonal counselling therapies / emotional supports from the close ones etc, that the mentally-ill people need for further genuine improvements of their mental conditions (so as to enable them so slowly and graudally regain their actual sanities and cognitive / mental abilities from time to time) and their final recoveries in the end. This is mainly due to the fact that when it comes to mental illnesses, no medications would be able to permanently, irreversibly, and particularly, realistically and practically change the mentally psychological, rather than the bodily / metabolism-related physiological aspects of what and how the mentally-ill people would perceive, feel, think about their surroundings, environments and the people they deal with, as well as their resultant actions, reactions, behaviours based on their respective subsequent outcomes of those 3 key factors. Whilst normally, such medications for mental illnesses, with their artificial neurological effects, would merely just serve the purpose of temporarily and mechanically numb the cognitive senses of their users so as to artificially make them "unable to feel and think about anything at all" throughout the effective period of each dosage of such medications. And as such, medications for mental disorders alone would thus not be able to realistically, practically and genuinely enable to get the mentally-ill people totally cured in the end. Hence, other non-medicational efforts as mentioned, explained and elaborated in detail in my prior posts above are thus required and indispensably necessary to enable the mentally-ill people to achieve the realistic, genuine and practical long-term real improvements for their mental conditions and sanities gradually step-by-step towards the path of full recoveries.
All in all, such constructive non-medicational impersonal and (or) interpersonal efforts and emotional supports are very much important in reinforcing and strengthening the confidences, self-wills, determinations and sanities of the mentally-ill people in helping them to recover from their mental illnesses gradually, realistically and sustainably step-by-step.
Other Related Information :
http://www.healthau.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=5617 (Psychological Analysis For Mental Disorders)
"The fundamental ideas about how psychological wellness and mental illness are initiated are generally erroneous. Let me explain.
Let's start with heredity, and a set of identical twins, who have the same set of genes. Superimposed on that are each of their experiences in the environment. Now every tiny intellectual and emotional experience inside them is subject to a corresponding chemical reaction from hormones, amino acids, enzymes and other chemical and food-initiated changes inside their bodies. So, those identical twins, even if they were raised together in what seems to us to be the very exact same environment, turn out surprisingly different in personality and behavior. In fact then, they can now be defined as separate and completely distinct chemical human beings, emotionally, socially, behaviorally, intellectually, and in every other way, based on the chemical development over time which took place inside their physical bodies."
Well, in terms of genetical and congenital mental illnesses & disorders, there aren't much that any people can do to help them to recover from their conditions given the inborn irreversible flaws and defects in the structures of the brains and miscellaneous nervous systems of such persons.
"Chemically and emotionally speaking then, what were these negative experiences that led to the internal "imbalance"? Naturally, they are different for everyone in terms of the real events. However, they are the same in that they all give rise to Anxiety. Picture electrical impulses going through your body and head like a lightening rod every time an anxiety-provoking situation arises, such as someone hitting you or accosting you verbally, people around you fighting, or as a child, not getting the love or attention that you want from your parents, which makes you sad and angry. There are also a multitude of internal Anxiety-provoking emotional reactions that are conjured up normally inside all of us, like jealousy, hatred, disappointment, dejection, sadness, self-hatred, and many more. When the Anxiety from all these sources keeps bombarding us physically and mentally, not only does it raise our hormones, but it leads to changes in the way that our body and mind respond, changing our emotional and mental appearance. If the Anxiety goes as far as to overwhelm us, we begin to lose control of our thoughts and behaviors. We just "can't help it" any longer, and fall prey to the effects of the Anxiety that begins to dominate our life.
From here, we develop "symptoms", which are really the combination of (1)personality features and (2) behaviors that identify each of us as individuals. We become depressed, have angry outbursts, develop phobias and fears or other aberrations, and become subject to labeling or "diagnosis" through psychiatry. Sure, meds have an effect. But they don't change the underlying chemical structures, which are already deeply entrenched in the mind and body due to the experiences of the past. They only mask, cover up and dull the thoughts and memories that have led to the present personality and behavioral make-up."
Another thing is such that it is primarily and very first of all the way we perceive, think and feel about our environments, surroundings, the people we deal with etc which would determine the types of nerve impulses (be them the positive or negative ones) that will get sent to and from the brains.
As such, the turnouts and outcomes of the chemical balances and structures of the brains and miscellaneous nervous systems would still be determined very very much by how we perceive, feel and think about whatever we come into contact with.
In such a connection, please consider the following excerpts below :
"Besides, in terms of general cognitive behavioural process of Perceptions (anything we see, we hear, we know, we taste, we touch etc from our surroundings / other people) => Feelings (the way we feel about our surroundings and other people based on anything we see, hear, know, taste, touch etc) => Thoughts (the types of views and opinions that we form in our minds based on the types of feelings we have for anything we perceive) => Actions (how we choose to react in response to those surroundings / other people based on the feelings and thoughts that arise in our minds),
psychologically, the entire process can actually be explained in such a way that when the particular surroundings, environments, people's behaviours / attitudes etc (Perceptions) just through some effectively positive means / efforts of non-medicational emotional comforts / reliefs etc, appear to be pleasant, peaceful and friendly to certain people troubled with mental disorders, they would thus get to become calmer and calmer in a natural way in the long-run especially when they are continually exposed to such pleasant surroundings, environments, people's friendly behaviours / attitudes etc on a permanently ongoing basis (Feelings), and when such "calming forces" are accumulated sufficiently in their very own minds, this would then enable them to at least try to resist any thoughts / urges to feel upset, angry, mad etc at certain incidences, especially the ones that they have never expected and that are considered unpleasant to them (Thoughts). Finally and ideally, such an ongoing scenario would thus result in gradually step by step improvements in their mental conditions especially in terms of positive behavioural changes for the better and better conditions (Actions).
Similarly, the same explanations would apply as well to other scenarios that anyone, including the ones who are mentally-sound, face in their everyday life.
For instance, when the mentally-sound healthy persons are exposed, especially unwillingly to certain hostile, harsh and unfriendly surroundings / environments / people (Perceptions) for a certain long period of time, and no matter how tolerant they may initially get to be, they may just lose their patience at one particular point of time in that they might couldn't help themselves but to feel annoyed, angry, upset, mad etc in the end (Feelings). Next, the accumulated calming forces they possess would then start depleting gradually initially, and then substantially as times go by, in that they may just start forming negative thoughts about the hostile, harsh and unfriendly surroundings / environments / people they face in their everyday life, even without them noticing such a change in the negative ways they think (Thoughts). In the end, such thoughts may just give rise to certain negative behavioural changes in them by becoming enervative / dejected, acting angrily, furiously etc (Actions)."
which are quoted from :
http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1654896#i (Why Non-medicational Interpersonal Or (And) Impersonal Emotional Comforts, Reliefs, Supports etc Are So Essential As A Part of The Holistic Approach For Mental Disorders ?)
Dopamine is actually one of the main neurotransmitters chemicals secreted and released by the countless of neurons (nerve cells) and brain cells of our miscellaneous bodily nervous systems and brains. Whilst the other main neurotransmitters chemicals would be Serotonin which plays the important role in "determining" how we feel based on whatever we see / perceive.
And well, the main function of the fluidly neurotransmitters chemical dopamine, which exist everywhere and anywhere in our human bodies and within the miscellaneous nervous systems, and "work" closely, mechanically and spontaneously with one another, is actually to control and co-ordinate our human bodily movements through their synaptic activities.
Basically, the synaptic activities is all about sending and receiving the various nerve and sensory impulses (originating from our sensory perceptions, feelings and thoughts) to the brains along the miscellaneous bodily nervous systems so that all the human bodily movements can be conducted freely at will by any normal human beings.
Nevertheless, the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters chemical dopamine, in certain cases, can be interrupted and disrupted by the artificial curative mechanisms of certain medications, especially the mind-altering drugs such as antipsychotics / neuroleptics that serve to numb the cognitive senses of the brains by preventing the "neuro-traffics" of such nerve and sensory impulses from getting sent to / from the brains, resulting thus in miscellaneous neurological and neuromuscular disorders which are caused by interruptions to the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters chemical, dopamine.
As such, please consider the excerpts below :
"All antipsychotic drugs tend to block D2 receptors in the dopamine pathways of the brain. This means that dopamine released in these pathways has less effect. Excess release of dopamine in the mesolimbic pathway has been linked to psychotic experiences. It is the blockade of dopamine receptors in this pathway that is thought to control psychotic experiences"
which are quoted from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antipsychotics
In such a connection, the neurological and neuromuscular disorders caused by interruptions to the neurotransmitters chemical dopamine would be especially the movement disorders of Extrapyramidal Symptoms (EPS) , Tardive Dyskinesia, Dystonia, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS), Parkinsonism etc.
Hence, please consider the excerpts below :
"Dyskinesias are movement disorders and can include any of a number of repetitive, involuntary, and purposeless body or facial movements.
They can include:
Tongue movements, such as "tongue thrusts" or "fly-catching" movements
Lip smacking
Finger movements
Eye blinking
Movements of the arms or legs.
An individual may or may not be aware of these movements. These movements are usually quite recognizable, and many people fear that others will know they are taking an antipsychotic medication due to these unusual movements.
Tardive dyskinesia is a dyskinesia that occurs after long-term treatment with an antipsychotic medication. Sometimes, this condition may become permanent. "
which are quoted from :
Other Related Information :
Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) :
Antipsychotics :
Related Information About Synaptic Activities Disorders of Neurotransmitters Dopamine & The Related Cures For Them :
Miscellaneous Nervous Systems & Neurotransmitters
Well, apart from the well-known central nervous system, there are other nervous systems such as peripheral nervous system, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system, enteric nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous systems etc in our human bodies that co-ordinate with one another through the ubiquitous neuron networks to maintain the all the normal functionings of our human bodies.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Nervous_System - Central nervous system (CNS)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peripheral_nervous_system - Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomic_nervous_system - Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatic_nervous_system - Somatic nervous system (SNS)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enteric_nervous_system - Enteric nervous system (ENS)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympathetic_nervous_system - Sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasympath...ous_system - parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS)
As for the different types of neurotransmitters, they would include dopamine, serotonin, Amino acids, glutamate, aspartate, serine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, Monoamines, norepinephrine (noradrenaline; NE, NA), epinephrine (adrenaline), histamine, melatonin, acetylcholine (ACh), adenosine, anandamide, nitric oxide, etc which are secreted and released by neurons (nerve cells) and brain cells in the human bodies of these miscellaneous nervous systems as mentioned above along with the ubiquitous neuron networks of our human bodies to maintain the normal functioningis of our human bodies.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neurotransmitter - Neurotransmitters
Next, if the synaptic activities of these neurons (nerve cells), brain cells, miscellaneous nervous systems and the ubiquitous neuron networks are interrupted and disrupted by the disastrous side effects of medications, the resulting medical consequences would in totally inconceivable and unimaginable such as what I have explained earlier on in my prior posts above.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_synapse - Chemical synapse / Synaptic activities
Included below is a conversation between me and the other third party about mental disorders & illnesses, the advantageous, disadvantageous of the medications for such illnesses and disorders as well as how such medications actually work in reality and what purposes they are supposed to serve along with several flaws, defects and demerits of the modern mainstream medical science and system. Next I hope that the information provided will be useful and helpful to the intended readers.
Remarks from the other person :
"Speaking of neurotransmitters, much is made by the medical community about their alleged central role in depression and anxiety. However, this is largely unproven."
My replies :
Well, it's totally undeniable that human bodies depend on the neurological mechanisms of neuron, brains, neuron networks, miscellaneous nervous systems, the many types of neurotransmitters chemical for all our bodily functionings which include cognitive and movement abilities etc. And that's the reason why the people with Parkinsonism, Dementia, Alzheimers etc whose brain cells and neurons have been substantially destroyed (and hence no neurotransmitter chemicals can be released / secreted out of them) could not think, act and behave properly at all.
Remarks from the other person :
"There is, for instance, no lab test that can be done to show that depression or anxiety sufferers do indeed suffer from low serotonin levels. And even if depression and anxiety sufferers indeed DO tend to suffer from low serotonin levels, this does NOT establish a causal relationship between low serotonin and depression/anxiety. Low serotonin may simply be a RESULT of suffering from anxiety disorder. Also, more than likely, serotonin is probably low only in specific parts of the brain (but normal or even above normal in other parts of the brain). All of this certainly explains why globally increasing serotonin levels with drugs like SSRIs typically does not give entirely satisfactory results. "
My replies :
In fact, the drugs like Prozac etc could only temporarily and artificially restore the chemical balance of the brains of the mentally-ill people by re-uptaking and maintaing the proper balance of dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitter chemicals of their brains. However, since such an artificial medical mechanism is all by way of "forced suppression" so as to artificially blocking any nerve and sensory impulses from getting sent and receive to and from the brains, and hence, artificially blocking the "neuron network traffics" the mental conditions of the related mentally-ill people would then suffer a greater relapse of their mental illnesses when the therapeutical effects of such "forced suppressions" of each dosage of the related medications just lapse completely, while the previously medication-forced- suppressed nerve and sensory impulses would just turn violent and out-of-control (when they are no longer artificially suppressed by medications anymore) and manifest in far worse uncontrollable and involuntary behavioural and personality changes in the related mentally-ill people. Hence, that's why in such cases the cures are worse than the diseases themselves.
So, that's why I have said that other non-medicational efforts such as what I have mentioned and explained earlier on in my previous posts are primarily important in genuinely and permanently restoring the sanities of the mentally-ill people bit by bit and step by step.
Remarks from the other person :
"As for antipsychotics and dopamine, once again, dopamine levels may be out of balance in people suffering from psychosis. But it is impossible to say whether this is the actual cause. And since, like antidepressants, antipsychotics generally do not produce entirely satisfactory results, I would suspect that there is probably MUCH more to psychosis than a simple chemical imbalance."
My replies :
As a matter of fact, everything has its shortcomings, flaws and defects. For example, in the case of people suffering from Tardive Dyskinesia, Dystonia and other movement disorders due to interruptions and disruptions to the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitter chemical dopamine, well, given that such fluidly and nearly totally transparent neurotransmitter chemical secreted by countless neurons and brain cells are hardly observable and distinguishable by any medical examinations such as MRI, CT-scannings etc whereby the people with Tardive Dyskinesia, Dystonia etc would obviously show their involuntary and uncontrollable movement disorders to the related doctors, nevertheless, no conclusive medical examinations, observations, diagnosis supported by any hard evidences can be given at the same time. So, that's why under such scenarios and phenomena, such movement disorders are labelled as "undiagnosed diseases".
Next, I suffer from Tardive Dyskinesia before and my efforts of seeking the mainstream treatments from the western medical science just turn out to be totally futile such as the scenarios and phenomena explained above. And the fact that my Tardive Dyskinesia movement disorders are totally cured once-and-for-all about 6 years ago through a totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure technique, which has fully cured countless of people having the same problem as mine so far, and well, the flaw and defect of this acupuncture / acupressure technique is such that, regardless of the ongoing ample empirical evidences about its obviously evident and prompt efficacies, the mainstream western medical science still would not recognise the validity of it simply for the mere reason that the healing mechanisms of such a totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure technique are not be able to be observed, explored and studied by them, regardless of its obviously evident, prompt and 100 % healing efficacies as supported by more and more countless empirical evidences.
In such a connection, what I wish to say is that for anything that we do not know or have not yet known, it doesn't mean that they are phoney, fallacious or non-existent.
All in all, under any circumstances, I firmly and reasonably believe that for any patients / people seeking treatments for any of their illnesses, especially the desperate ones, I reckon that they would want the best and most effective treatments for themselves under any circumstances and situations. Anyhow, for anyone seeking treatments for their illnesses, their sole and only purpose is to get their illnesses and disorders totally cured, and preferably, once and for all.
Further Details :
Included below is a totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cure for Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking.
In this regard, I hope that this suggested self-administered, totally needle-free, totally free-of-charge, painless, harmless, simple acupuncture / acupressure technique / method which involves mild and persistent pressing the "He Gu" acupoint located at the back of one's right palm [which is 1.5 cm (applicable to the average grown adults only) measured vertically from the point of intersection (that would appear visibly when the fingers are closed loosely together) between the thumb and the forefinger.(Kindly take note that this point is located at a much 'fleshy' instead of a much 'boney' area] with any long blunt-pointed objects such as a normal writing pen which is out-of-ink - to produce the necessary acupressure for the healings whilst not to get the particular mildly pressed acupoint dirtily inked (Please refer to the diagram attached below for that "He Gu" acupoint) meant for genuinely effective cure of Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorder which in turn have totally cured countless of people troubled by chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking problems for a number of years on an ongoing basis, especially for the chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking normally caused by :
# Stress
# Tiredness
# Eyestrain
# Caffeine
# Alcohol
# Dry eyes
# Nutritional imbalances
# Allergies
and the ones unusually and abnormally caused by the neurological / neurosmuscular disorders of :
# Tardive Dyskinesia (rapid involuntary uncontrollable eye blinking / eye twitching), which in most cases are caused by the neuromuscular / neurological side effects of certain powerful mind-altering medications and other neurological complications. Whilst the underlying mechanism of such a disease is such that the normal functionings of the neurotransmitters chemical dopamine which co-ordinates the miscellaneous human body movements in this case are disturbed, antagonized and disrupted in this case resulting in one's loss of control of human body movements, and in this case, one's eye / eyelids organ,
will be relevant and useful to the ones desperately needing an once-and-for-all cure and recovery for their Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking problem and disorder.
Image of The "He Gu" AcuPoint Mentioned Above :
Related Information :
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1233341#i (A New Version For The Suggested Self-administered Totally Needle-free, Totally Free-Of-Charge, Simple, Painless, Harmless Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure / Technique For Non-stop Persistent Rapid Eyelid-twitching / Eye-blinking)
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1673263#i (Acclaimed Efficacies of The Suggested Self-administered, Needle-free, Free-of-charge Acupuncture Method and Appealed Humanitarian Causes For The Numerous Poor And Needy Others)
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1729694#i (Another Recent Online Third-party Testimonial About The Acclaimed Efficacies of The Suggested Self-administered, Totally Needle-free, Totally Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless, Simple Acupuncture / Acupressure Method & Appealed Humanitarian Causes For The Numerous Poor And Needy Others)
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1681002#i (Another Online Positive Feedback / Comment About My Suggested Self-administered, Totally Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless & Needle-free Acupuncture Method / Technique And The Full Details of Such A Self-administered, Needle-free, Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless Acupuncture / Acupressure Method / Technique)
http://www.medicalacupuncture.org/aama_marf/journal/vol14_1/poster1.html (Medical Findings About The Effectiveness of Medical Acupuncture For Highly Substantial & Effective Cure of Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid twitching / Eye blinking)
Tardive Dyskinesia and Medical Care for Tender-aged Children and Kids
For your kind information, in terms of medication-induced chronic Blepharospasm / eye twitching / eye blinking disorders, the ones seeking helps and advices from me so far over these couple of years are mainly, mostly and in majority, all the grown adults who suffer from such chronic Blepharospasm / eye blinking / eye twitching ever since their teenage years, and the ones who are in their 20s - 60s. Whilst as a matter of fact, there are actually certain Tardive Dyskinesia-related medications such as metoclopramide (Reglan), prochlorperazine (Compazine) - being medications for gastrointestinal problems, promethazine (Phenergan) - being medications for cough and so on that are often prescribed to children nowadays which may also have disastrous and very serious nerve-damaging side effect of muscle deformity that would affect the rest of their lives. Besides, given the very fact that the immune system of small children / kids are far less developed compared to grown adults, such small children / kids are thus far more vulnerable and susceptible to the strong and powerful neurological / neuromuscular side effects of such potentially nerve-disrupting medications compared to the grown adults. Therefore, extreme and well-informed precautions and measures should be vigorously taken when it comes to safeguarding the medical cares, welfares and well-beings of the tender-aged and underage children / kids so as to conscientiously and effectively protect them from any unwanted and unexpected harms of any medications with harmful side effects.
Tardive Dyskinesia :
Further Details About The Medications Specified Above :
Metoclopramide :
Reglan :
prochlorperazine :
Compazine :
Promethazine :
Phenergan :
Further Information
For your further information, for the majority of people seeking helps from me for their Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders, they mostly get such disorders from the negatively disastrous neuromuscular side effects of the related medications with strong neurological side effects that disrupt the normal functionings of the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters chemicals dopamine of their eye nerves, thus causing all the abnormally rapid eyelid twitchings / eye blinkings. In such a connection, since the neurotransmitters chemicals produced by the nerve cells / neurons are totally transparent while their eye nerves / brain cells remain undamaged, the MRI / CT-scannings would thus not be able to show and detect anything abnormal and unusual at all for their Blepharospasm / chronic eye blinking / eyelid twitching disorders, and then almost in all cases, their Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twithcing / eye blinking disorders would then be labelled "accordingly" as "undiagnosable" / "unexplainable" by the related mainstream medical personnel, and then they are suggested to get surgery / perpetually continual Botox injections to deal with such chronic neuromuscular and visually-incapacitating disorders. Whilst in this case, my suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure method would work effectively in such scenarios.
In the meantime, the main themes of my related posts are made purely and 100 % totally for charity purposes completely on humanitarian grounds.
Nonetheless, I still would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that, in terms of medication-induced Tardive Dyskinesia, well, no matter how curatively effective my suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cure (as elaborated in great details in the prior posts above) is, as proven by countless and ongoing proven empirical evidences, precaution is always still better than cure itself especially in the case of the small kids / children as well as the fragile and senile old people whose immune systems are far less developed than the grown adults (for small kids / children) and seriously deteriorating (for the fragile and senile old people) on account of certain curative limitations of that suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure technique as explained in the related prior post above especially the problems with the congenital / genetical Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitchings / eye blinkings that are present at births .
Tardive Dyskinesia :
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1233341#i (A New Version For The Totally, Self-administered, Totally Needle-free, Totally Free-Of-Charge, Simple Painless, Harmless Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure For Non-stop Persistent Rapid Eyelid-twitching / Eye-blinking - Meant For Promptly Immediate, complete & Once-and-for-all treatments)
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1729694#i (Another Recent Online Third-party Testimonial About The Acclaimed Efficacies of The Suggested Self-administered, Totally Needle-free, Totally Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless, Simple Acupuncture / Acupressure Method & Appealed Humanitarian Causes For The Numerous Poor And Needy Others )
"Nonetheless, I still would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that, in terms of medication-induced Tardive Dyskinesia, well, no matter how curatively effective my suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cure (as elaborated in great details in the prior posts above) is, as proven by countless and ongoing proven empirical evidences, precaution is always still better than cure itself especially in the case of the small kids / children as well as the fragile and senile old people whose immune systems are far less developed than the grown adults (for small kids / children) and seriously deteriorating (for the fragile and senile old people) on account of certain curative limitations of that suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure technique as explained in the related prior post above especially the problems with the congenital / genetical Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitchings / eye blinkings that are present at births . "
Well, regarding the excerpts above, actually one very obvious flaw / defect about the existing drugs / medications approval systems and procedures nowadays is such that, for all / most of the drugs / medications, especially the ones with potentially and largely unknown disastrous side effects approved by such accredited medical professional bodies such as FDA etc, the usability and viability of them in most cases, are officially established and endorsed virtually through their repeated testings and experimentations on the voluntarily willing / and in most cases, recruited paid and contract-bound candidates, or rather guinea pigs who are invariably all the fully grown adults, especially the ones with stronger physiques who have been regularly and frequently recruited for and exposed to such drugs / medications testings and experimentations from time to time, and hence naturally such candidates would have reasonably developed and possessed stronger-than-usual immune systems over time compared to other normal healthy people, as well as substantially greater tolerances to the adverse side effects of such tested / experimented drugs and medications, especially after they have gone through so many drugs / medications testings and experimentations.
Hence, regardless of the official positive results produced, verified and announced through the drugs / medications testings and experimentations conducted in such a questionable way, given that there is such an explicit discrepancy in terms of the standards and yardsticks applied by such professional medical organisations in the process of approving such drugs / medications, especially the ones with serious side effects, the usability and viability of the related drugs and medications officially approved as such, are thus reasonably and very much open to questions particularly when they are being prescribed, dispensed, used and taken by the end users whose immune systems are not as great and strong as the drug / medications testings candidates or rather, guinea pigs as described above.
As such, reasonably, regardless of the very undeniable facts that constructive positive changes and improvements to such long-standing rigid practices and procedures which are fraught with many technical drawbacks and discrepancies (and hence, are medically unfavourable to the normal healthy end users) are practically, logistically and realistically unenforceable, infeasible, or rather, nearly impossible due to a variety of unfavourable factors and restrictive limitations that can hardly be overcome, I nevertheless would like to take this opportunity to inspire a greater awareness and emphasize that well-informed, careful and discreet precautions should reasonably be taken by the related end users of the related drugs / medications, especially in line with the excerpts above, for the sake of medical health cares and well-beings of the small tender-aged kids / children and the senile old people whose immune systems are either far more less developed or seriously deteriorating in the latter cases (compared to those guinea pigs as described above) , particularly when it comes to taking any medications with any potentially disastrous side effects so as to prevent the eventual unwanted, undesirable, and quite often, unexpected manifestations of such disastrous side effects of the related drugs / medications.
Re: Tardive Dyskinesia and Medical Care for Tender-aged Children and Kids - Additional Details
"For your further information, for the majority of people seeking helps from me for their Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders, they mostly get such disorders from the negatively disastrous neuromuscular side effects of the related medications with strong neurological side effects that disrupt the normal functionings of the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters chemicals dopamine of their eye nerves, thus causing all the abnormally rapid eyelid twitchings / eye blinkings. In such a connection, since the neurotransmitters chemicals produced by the nerve cells / neurons are totally transparent while their eye nerves / brain cells (which are tangible, and hence observable to such medical devices / examinations) remain undamaged, the MRI / CT-scannings would thus not be able to show and detect anything abnormal and unusual at all for their Blepharospasm / chronic eye blinking / eyelid twitching disorders, and then almost in all cases, their Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twithcing / eye blinking disorders would then be labelled "accordingly" as "undiagnosable" / "unexplainable" by the related mainstream medical personnel, and then they are suggested to get surgery / perpetually continual Botox injections to deal with such chronic neuromuscular and visually-incapacitating disorders. Whilst in this case, my suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure method would work effectively in such scenarios.
In the meantime, the main themes of my related posts are made purely and 100 % totally for charity purposes completely on humanitarian grounds.
Nonetheless, I still would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that, in terms of medication-induced Tardive Dyskinesia, well, no matter how curatively effective my suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cure (as elaborated in great details in the prior posts above) is, as proven by countless and ongoing proven empirical evidences, precaution is always still better than cure itself especially in the case of the small kids / children as well as the fragile and senile old people whose immune systems are far less developed than the grown adults (for small kids / children) and seriously deteriorating (for the fragile and senile old people) on account of certain curative limitations of that suggested totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure technique as explained in the related prior post above especially the problems with the congenital / genetical Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitchings / eye blinkings that are present at births ."
In regard to the excerpts above quoted from one of my recent prior post, I would like to take this opportunity to disclose to you all that, over these few years, for the majority of the persons seeking helps from me for their chronic, rapid, involuntary, uncontrollable eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders, as well as the numerous others getting cured once-and-for-all through that suggested totally needle-free, free-of-charge, simple acupuncture /acupressure technique / method mentioned above, well, almost all of them get such annoying eye disorders in the very first place from the inevitable muscle-spasms side effects of certain medications. As such, that is also the main reason why there tend to be so many people getting cured once-and-for-all from time to time until now after trying out and self-administering that suggested needle-free acupuncture / acupressure technique / method as instructed.
Unfortunately, though this suggested acupuncture / acupressure technique / method could overcome the particular limitation to deal directly with and remedy the disrupted synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters chemicals dopamine (produced / secreted by nerves and brain cells) to restore their proper functionings, and hence deliver the expected and desirable therapeutical results effectively and obviously, it nevertheless could hardly produce anything curatively effective to deal with the eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders caused by damaged / destroyed nerves and brain cells due to the very fact that nerves and brain cells cannot regenerate themselves once they are seriously damaged / totally destroyed (that is also the main reason why 100 % complete cure(s) for parkinsonism, dementia, alzheimer etc are still not discovered, found, invented until now) .
Whilst franly speaking, the actual cases of failures of this suggested needle-free acupuncture / acupressure technique / method would often occur and happen among tender-aged small kids / children and senile & fragile old people whose nerves are seriously damaged / destroyed rather than "midly disturbed" as described above about the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters, almost immediately after taking the related "nerve-disrupting" medications .
As such, given that honesty is the best policy whilst these posts are made purely for charity purposes and mainly on humanitarian grounds as well as given the very fact that this suggested needle-free acupuncture technique / method could hardly deliver any practical cures to help these pitiful kids / children (along with their deeply regretful & heart-broken parents) and senile & fragile old people whose eyes-related nerves have been seriously damaged / destroyed by the strong neurological / neuromuscular side effects of the related medications shortly after taking them, these are especially the key reasons why I have no other choices but to choose to tell such veracious and unvarnished truths and made the related posts as elaborated above to advise and warn about the highly and potentially nerve-damaging side effects / outcomes of such related "nerve-disrupting" medications that would definitely be a matter of serious concern to the tender-aged kids / children whose immune systems are far less-developed compared to the grown adults and the senile & fragile old people whose immune systems are seriously deteriorating, especially when they are unknowingly exposed to such related medications, so as to create a greater level of awareness so that the indispensably necessary medical precautions will be taken to safeguard the medical welfares and well-beings of these 2 groups of persons who are far more vulnerable and susceptible to the potentially disastrous neuromuscular and neurological side effects of the related medications.
In short, these so-called "nerve-disrupting" side effects of such related medications (applicable to the fully grown adults) may just turn out to be / produce nerve-damaging outcomes for these tender-aged kids / children & senile and fragile old people after they take such related medications. Whilst the subsequent consequences are definitely unthinkable once such undesirable and unexpected nerve-damaging scenarios just occur and manifest all of a sudden.
Whilst the other limitations of this suggested needle-free acupuncture technique / method would actually occur under unusually rare and uncommon circumstances that could generally be summarised as follows : -
A ) It could hardly deal with genetical / congenital eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders that are present at births, such as the one caused by Tourette syndrome etc.
B ) The "He Gu" acupoint maybe is not applicable to the the particular eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders caused by other reasons such as the ones manifest as one of the symptoms of damaged bodily organs etc. However, unlike the medication-induced eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders caused by disruptions to the synaptic activities of the neurotransmitters chemical dopamine which are unobservable and then "declared accordingly" as "undiagnosable" by any medical examinations like MRI / CT-scannings etc such as the reasonings elaborated in the prior posts above, such other causes are usually detectable, observable and diagnosable through various medical scrutinies and examinations. And hence, appropriate medical treatments can be adminstered to deal with the related eye disorders under such circumstances.
Kindly Support These Charity and Humanitarian Causes / Totally Needle-free Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure For Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking
Included below is a totally needle-free, free-of-charge, simple, painless, harmless, self-administered acupuncture / acupressure cure / technique for Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking.
In this regard, I hope that this suggested self-administered, totally needle-free, totally free-of-charge, painless, harmless, simple acupuncture / acupressure technique / method which involves hourly and daily consistent mild and persistent pressings of the "He Gu" acupoint located at the back of one's right palm [which is 1.5 cm (applicable to the average grown adults only) measured vertically from the point of intersection (that would appear visibly when the fingers are closed loosely together) between the thumb and the forefinger], (Kindly take note that this point is located at a much 'fleshy' instead of a much 'boney' area, with any long blunt-pointed objects such as a normal writing pen which is out-of-ink - to produce the necessary acupressure for the healings whilst not to get the particular mildly pressed acupoint dirtily inked (Please refer to the diagram attached below for that "He Gu" acupoint) meant for genuinely effective cure of Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorder which in turn have totally cured countless of people troubled by chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking problems for a number of years on an ongoing basis, especially for the chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking normally caused by :
# Stress
# Tiredness
# Eyestrain
# Caffeine
# Alcohol
# Dry eyes
# Nutritional imbalances
# Allergies
Next, under such situations and causes of eyelid twitchings / eye blinkings as mentioned above, such annoying symptoms would usually come and go within a very short period of time and certainly the conditions would get better and better from time to time especially when certain related treatments are sought and administered to deal with the symptom.
However, under rare circumstances when the eye twitch symptom just get progressively and chronically and seriously unmitigated from bad to worse as well as seem to last permanently even when all sorts of related treatments are adminstered upon such illness to deal with it, such non-stop eye twitching symptom may then simply just manifest as one of the serious neuromuscular / neurological symptoms of :
# Tardive Dyskinesia (rapid involuntary uncontrollable eye blinking / eye twitching), which in most cases are caused by the neuromuscular / neurological side effects of certain powerful mind-altering medications and other neurological complications. Whilst the underlying mechanism of such a disease is such that the normal functionings of the neurotransmitters chemical dopamine which co-ordinates the miscellaneous human body movements in this case are disturbed, antagonized and disrupted in this case resulting in one's loss of control of human body movements, and in this case, one's eye / eyelids organ.
In such a connection, in terms of the landmark & prominent Tardive Dyskinesia symptom of abnormally rapid eyelid twitching / eye blinking as described and mentioned above, since the eyelids' organ-movements-related neurotransmitters chemicals - dopamine produced by the nerve cells / neurons are totally transparent while the eye nerves / brain cells remain undamaged, the MRI / CT-scannings would thus not be able to show and detect anything abnormal and unusual at all for their Blepharospasm / chronic eye blinking / eyelid twitching disorders, and then almost in all cases, their Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twithcing / eye blinking disorders would then be labelled "accordingly" as "undiagnosable" / "unexplainable" by the related mainstream medical personnel, and then they are suggested to get surgery / perpetually continual Botox injections to deal with such chronic neuromuscular and visually-incapacitating disorders.
All in all, for the undiagnosed medical phenomenon and scenario described above, well, regardless of how advanced the mainstream medical sciences are nowadays, their are still lots of medical and pathological conditions that remain unexplained and are pending to be deeply examined and explored in the sense that anything that cannot be examined / observed / explained to date simply do not mean that they do not exist at all,
will be relevant and useful to the ones desperately needing an once-and-for-all cure and recovery for their Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking problem and disorder.
Image of The "He Gu" AcuPoint Mentioned Above :
Related Information :
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1233341 - A New Version For The Self-administered Needle-free Free-Of-Charge Acupuncture Cure For Non-stop Persistent Rapid Eyelid-twitching / Eye-blinking
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1673263 - Acclaimed Efficacies of The Suggested Self-administered, Needle-free, Free-of-charge Acupuncture Method and Appealed Humanitarian Causes For The Numerous Poor And Needy Others
http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1681002#i - Another Online Positive Feedback / Comment About My Suggested Self-administered, Totally Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless & Needle-free Acupuncture Method / Technique And The Full Details of Such A Self-administered, Needle-free, Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless Acupuncture / Acupressure Method / Technique
http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1729694#i - Another Recent Online Third-party Testimonial About The Acclaimed Efficacies of The Suggested Self-administered, Totally Needle-free, Totally Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless, Simple Acupuncture / Acupressure Method & Appealed Humanitarian Causes For The Numerous Poor And Needy Others
http://www.medicalacupuncture.org/aama_marf/journal/vol14_1/poster1.html - Medical Findings About The Effectiveness of Medical Acupuncture For Highly Substantial & Effective Cure of Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid twitching / Eye blinking
http://www.cleveland.com/forums/health/index.ssf?extlink?artid=997 - Tardive Dyskinesia and Medical Care for Tender-aged Children and Kids & Other Related Details
Lastly, I sincerely hope that the related articles which are posted, especially the ones elaborating the needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cure for chronic Blepharospasm / abnormally serious rapid incessant eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders along with essentially their underlying not-widely-known and yet veracious and unvarnised pathological / medical causes, that are told purely for charity purposes and on humanitarian grounds will continue to get widely promoted & recommended by more and more kind and benevolent others so that more and more people suffering from the related eye disorders will be able to deal with their conditions accordingly and effectively towards the goals of full recoveries and getting back their normal life and promising futures.
Harsh Realities of Modern Medical World Today
Ok, bluntly speaking, by putting it in a simple, direct and straightforward way, objectively anyone with the slightest amount of general social exposures & experiences and no offences, common senses, reasonably would be able to detect and see through the obvious flaws of the modern medical systems which are obviously & overtly realistic, unfair and clearly health-care-related disadvantageous to the 2 types of persons, being both the poor & needy people and the rich and wealthy ones as well who are seeking medical treatments for any of their bodily disorders.
As such, please refer to these excerpts and explanations included below :
1st Excerpt (for the poor and needy people - quoted from the weblink : http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1673263 - Acclaimed Efficacies of The Suggested Self-administered, Needle-free, Free-of-charge Acupuncture Method and Appealed Humanitarian Causes For The Numerous Poor And Needy Others in the related prior post above :
"I think Actually these persons distributed nearly the identical sore know-how as me from such debilitating sickness and for your data, there were numerous of them who were not so well-to-do, and therefore they could not pay for such costly health accounts of glimpsing the health experts or to get Botox injections / surgical remedy to deal with their non-stop eyelid-twitching problems. Therefore, when I suggested such an acupuncture method to them, I did it out of benevolent humanity, understanding and compassion, and express gratitude God that it worked on each and every individual of them."
A) In conjunction with the bold quotations above, for the poor and not so well-to-do people who simply cannot afford to pay for the prohibitive or any "reasonable" medical fees for the purpose of treating and dealing with any of the serious / chronic bodily disorders that they are suffering painfully from, well, these pitiful people would most of the times, just simply and directly be kept out from the doorsteps of the related doctors' clinics / premises / medical establishments in the very first place, not to mention to get access to the related treatments or medications they need to relieve and cure their bodily disorders. Then the key question arising here is such that which are more important to the doctors ? Money or human lives ?
2nd excerpt (for the rich and wealthy ones) - quoted from the prior post entitled Kindly Support These Charity and Humanitarian Causes / Totally Needle-free Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure For Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking made above :
In such a connection, in terms of the landmark & prominent Tardive Dyskinesia symptom of abnormally rapid eyelid twitching / eye blinking as described and mentioned above, since the eyelids' organ-movements-related neurotransmitters chemicals - dopamine produced by the nerve cells / neurons are totally transparent while the eye nerves / brain cells remain undamaged, the MRI / CT-scannings would thus not be able to show and detect anything abnormal and unusual at all for their Blepharospasm / chronic eye blinking / eyelid twitching disorders, and then almost in all cases, their Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twithcing / eye blinking disorders would then be labelled "accordingly" as "undiagnosable" / "unexplainable" by the related mainstream medical personnel, and then they are suggested to get surgery / perpetually continual Botox injections to deal with such chronic neuromuscular and visually-incapacitating disorders.
Next, that's consider the ones who have all the financial means to get any whatever medical treatments they want from any doctors, medical specialists, therapeutical experts etc. Well, for the particular scenario elaborated above which has obviously and apparently been experienced by the related persons seeking treatments for any of their complicated bodily disorders, one key point and question that would certainly be worthy to be considered and pondered over is such that - In terms of the doctors getting and taking the medical fees from their customers, well, have these doctors actually fully done & fulfilled their professional parts & responsibilities in the cases whereby when these doctors just "apparently fail to diagnose anything with their medical equipment etc", and then for the sake of their personal and other miscellaneous long-term profiteering purposes, just simply, directly and totally ignore their medical ethics, by keeping and hiding the underlying truths from their medical-fees-paying customers and then just straightaway recommend and convince them to put themselves onto something else / other medications perpetually for life so as to be able to continue earning profitable medical fees out of them from time to time. Whilst the question arising here is that, under such scenarios, which one is more important for the doctors ? The doctors' personal & miscellaneous other long-term profiteering goals or the health-cares, medical well-beings and welfares of their medical-fees-paying customers ?
Lastly, with all due respects, I mean no offences about the points of facts made above, but neverthelesss, these harsh realities remain the obviously undisputed widely known naked truths that are prevailing almost ubiquitously in the modern medical world today.
So, to the very least extent, should any positively humane changes & positively humane medical and ethical reforms be called for, promoted, advocated and effected at least on humanitarian grounds so as to at least mitigate all these harsh realities and scenarios described above ?
Botox and Surgical Solutions For Chronic Blepharospasm ? Are they reasonably really sensible, rational and practical under most of the circumstances ? In terms of the topic of this post, well, first of all, please consider the third-party excerpts included below : "When Botox and medications don’t work, surgery to make the eye stop twitching, called myectomy, removes some of the muscles around the eye. This can be effective but is usually only used as a last resort. Physicians try Botox and medications first before recommending surgery." A) Disadvantages of Botox medications as a solution to Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking : With all due respects and I mean no offences, actually, Botox injections are actually composed mainly of Botulinum toxin that are in fact medical derivatives from Clostridium botulinum bacterium (which causes botulism) that have been intentionally abused before for the purpose of chemical warfare owing to its intense toxicity. Hence, please consider the excerpts below : Whilst in terms of Botox injections for chronic Blepharospasm / rapid involuntary uncontrollable & seriously unmitigated non-stop eyelid twitchings / eye blinkings, that's also a troblesome solution as one would need to take "necessary" and perpetually continual periodical Botox injections of which each injections session would last for 3 - 6 months each, and one would need to take such syringe injections of Botox medications persistently and successively for the rest of one's life to mitigate and deal with one's chronic Blepharospasm disorder. Next, it is worthy to take note that human bodies would tend to get immune to any medications especially the ones fed to them repeatedly from time to time, including Botox, particularly the ones composed of the identical chemical components as explained above / of the same version, and that's most probably the very reason why at certain times it didn't or fail to work. Besides, the most important point remains that given that the ones suffering from chronic Blepharospasm / rapid, involuntary, uncontrollable, purposeless eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders who choose to take perpetually periodical syringe injections of Botox medications that are administered continually and periodically to their chronically twitching / blinking eyelids, well, they are actually and continually fed with such 100 % purely poisonous chemical substances from time to time in reality for the rest of their lives. And as such, this category of persons are thus highly and potentially exposed to, taking & running the extremely higher and higher risks from time to time of getting the related unavoidable, and possibly hardly reversible side effects of droopy, ruffled eyelids, other facial distortions etc in the end. B) Disadvantages of Surgical Solutions to chronic Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking : Well, in terms of surgical solutions to chronic Blepharospasm / rapid, involuntary, uncontrollable, purposeless eyelid twitching / eye blinking, surgeries are highly risky, extremely complicated and expensively prohibitive for such disorders. Whilst the most important point remains that even when the related surgeries just turn out to be 100% successful from the doctors' / medical professions' points of views, the eyelid twitching / eye blinking / eyelids conditions would by no means and by no ways be able to be fully 100 % restored to the perfectly normal conditions such as the ones before the occurences / manifestations of the chronic Blepharospasm / rapid, involuntary, uncontrollable, purposeless eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders. In short, even after the "successful" surgeries for Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking, the conditions of the related surgerized eyelids can never and hardly be comparable to the eyelids of the other 100 % perfectly healthy and visually-normal people with no Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking problems at all. As such, from the viewpoints of the ones taking such surgeries, the turnouts and outcomes of such surgeries for Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking would invariably be felt as unsatisfactory in the end even in the cases whereby such surgeries are considered and deemed to be "successful" from the points of views of the doctors conducting them. This is particularly & especially true, undeniable and hardly disputable when these people taking the related surgeries just come to realize the related obvious differences when they are comparing their surgerized eyelids with the 100 % perfectly healthy and normal eyelids of the other people and persons who are not having / suffering from Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders at all. Hence, the related problems of inferiority complex may just potentially & subsequently arise in such scenarios. C) The Key Differences of This Simple, Self-administered, Totally Needle-free, Totally Free-Of-Charge, Painless, Harmless, Speedily Effective & Meant For 100 % Final Once-and-for-all Full Recoveries Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure / Technique For Non-stop Persistent Chronic, Uncontrollable, Involuntary, Rapid Eyelid-twitching / Eye-blinking Disorders (please refer to: http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1233341)Compared To The Perpetually Continual Botox Injections & Surgical Solutions To Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking : Next, in terms of this needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cure for Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders as stated in the title C above, well, the credibilities & acceptabilites of any of such self-professed effective remedy to / by any related other persons eventually would unavoidably, objectively, reasonably and naturally be subject to its genuinely unbiased effective therapeutical & curative outcomes and results as to whether such method / remedy could genuinely, effectively and efficiently deliver the desired reliefs, healings and cures to the ones having Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking in the end. Whilst as for this simple, self-administered, totally Needle-free, totally free-Of-Charge, painless, harmless, speedily effective & meant for 100 % final once-and-for-all full recoveries acupuncture / acupressure cure / technique for non-stop persistent chronic, uncontrollable, involuntary, rapid eyelid-twitching / eye-blinking disorders as mentioned in the related prior posts above, it has empirically once-and-for-all fully 100 % completely cured countless of people worldwide who are troubled with Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching on an ongoing basis till now so far. Next, the whole course of daily instructed simple treatments as described above for that needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cure would be within a few weeks to a few months in order for the ones with Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking to get themselves 100% fully recovered once-and-for-all in the end. And the course / duration of such daily treatments is just like doing physiology treatments whereby the amount of times needed for eventual and full 100 % recoveries would then depend on and be subject to how mild or how severe and serious one's eyelid twitching / eye blinking conditions are. Lastly and most importantly, once the ones practicing and trying out the related suggested needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cures for Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking are 100 % fully cured once-and-for-all eventually in the end, their eyelids' conditions would then just turn out to be 100% totally no different from and be completely identical to their eyelids' conditions before getting the Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders. In other words, having been 100 % fully cured once-and-for-all through that needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cures for Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking after several weeks and a few months depending on how mild or how severe and serious one's eyelid twitching / eye blinking conditions are, the eyelids conditions of the ones previously having Blepharospasm / eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders would then just become 100 % totally similar and identical to the perfectly healthy and normal eyelids of the ones who are not having or suffering from the Blepharospasm / eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorders at all. D) Kindly Support These Charity and Humanitarian Causes / Totally Needle-free Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure For Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking All in all, all these related posts are made with 100 % honesty & purely on charity, humanitarian and humanity grounds and I sincerely hope and wish that the related charity and humanitarian causes as explained in the related prior posts above and in this particular post would be supported and furthered by the kind and benevolent persons reading all these posts. Thank you very much.
"Botulinum toxin is among the most poisonous substances known. The toxin, which can be ingested or inhaled, and which disrupts transmission of nerve impulses to muscles, is naturally produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Certain strains of C. baratii and C. butyricum can also be capable of producing the toxin.
Botulinum toxin has become well known in recent years for two reasons. First, the toxin has become a weapon in the arsenal of terrorists. Contamination of food is one route for infection with the toxin. The toxin can also be released into the air, which was attempted on at least three occasions between 1990 and 1995 by the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo. The government of Iraq admitted to United Nations inspectors following the 1991 Persian Gulf War that tens of thousands of liters of botulism toxin had been produced and loaded into weapons. The toxin was the most numerous of all the biological weapons then developed by Iraq.
Paradoxically, the other reason for the toxin's fame is the use of the toxin as a cosmetic enhancement (i.e., "botox")."
quoted from :
Well then & anyway, what is the main, primary & undisputed purpose of giving and providing health cares to the ones needing them in the first place ? To save lives or solely for money-making alone ? By the way, anyone would certainly agree that the very fundamental and basic concepts of giving health cares are always indispensably inseparable, inalienable, and in tandem with all the inherently first & foremost humane principles of humanities ,humanitarianism and the very unquestionably primary priority of saving lives.
Next, in conjunction with the points made above, kindly consider the following quotations :
"I think Actually these persons distributed nearly the identical sore know-how as me from such debilitating sickness and for your data, there were numerous of them who were not so well-to-do, and therefore they could not pay for such costly health accounts of glimpsing the health experts or to get Botox injections / surgical remedy to deal with their non-stop eyelid-twitching problems. Therefore, when I suggested such an acupuncture method to them, I did it out of benevolent humanity, understanding and compassion, and express gratitude God that it worked on each and every individual of them."
- which are excerpted from the webpages as follows :
http://www.drugs.com/forum/alternative-medicine/muscle-spasms-side-effect-certain-medication-my-personal-experience-46571-2.html (Please refer to post no.49)
http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1874624 (Kindly Support These Charity & Humanitarian Causes)
Well, in respect of the bold characters of the remark highlighted above, naturally and rationally all the kind and benevolent persons would earnestly hope that the doctors of the modern medical world today will eventually come to realize one day that practicing medicine is simply, mainly and definitely not about profiteering and money-making alone. Anyway, as human beings ourselves, the principles of humanitarian concepts, humanity, conscience etc, well, they simply should not be ignored or deliberately compromised for the sake of money-making especially when it comes to the issue of medical conscience of the doctors practicing medicines of which its key, primary & undisputed purpose is mostly about saving human lives rather than making money to enrich themselves.
Further Information :
http://www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1233341 (Free-of-Charge, Simple, Self-administered, Needle-free, Painless & Harmless Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure Meant For Speedy Relief & Final 100 % Once-and-for-all Full & Complete Cure & Recovery For Blepharospasm / Chronic, Rapid, Uncontrollable, Purposeless Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking)
http://www.medicalacupuncture.org/aama_marf/journal/vol14_1/poster1.html (Official Details About Medical Findings About The Efficacy of Acupuncture Cure For Chronic Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking)
Lastly, I sincerely hope that the related information included through the website above would be supported by the related kind and benevolent readers and other individuals so as to eventually bring forth the related humanely positive changes universally for the sakes of the better and better health cares, welfare and well-beings of anyone seeking treatments from any doctors. As such, kindly support all these charity and humanitarian causes.