I have had an earache for 5 days. few yrs ago all the time, but now i'm on the road with my hubby, a trucker, and no access to a dr. i called my "dr" for them to call in some med's at the pharmacy, no you have to come in. boy are they getting a letter,, needless to say i called my friend deb, and her hubby.poor farm boy from MS. said his mom would put fresh pee in the ear. gross, but 1000 miles from home my honey did the brave deed and out pee in a bottle cap and put a few drops in and not quite better today but after reading this will do it again tonite, now drinking it got to pray about that one but spiritwind, my hubby just reminded me a man stranded a sea. survived drinking his urine... so God created the urine and hubby beend drinking water all day. We'll try it again tonight thanks whitedove