I can recommend MammaEarth.com in the UK which sells a parasite cleanse and a colon cleanse.
Not MH's products but they worked for me. Their colon cleanse is the same as LBB and Dr. Christophers.
To answer your questions:
the mammaearth supplement was effective for you?
Yes their parasitex cleanse was very effective. I even saw some tiny white worms expelled! Overall it was like night and day; my 5 year skin problems cleared up, my mind felt clear digestive problems subsided and my energy levels went through the roof.
I was also taking their colonx cleanse (LBB) and following MH's diet recommendations, taking distilled water and No sugar, meat, dairy.
how long did you take it for? and at what dosage?
I took the parasite cleanse for 5 weeks. I got the larger bottle and took 20 drops three times a day (I started with a lower dosage though as per their leaflet/instructions).
I'm still taking the colon cleanse as it's wonderful and I'm going for the 6 month deep cleanse/rebuild as per Dr. Christopher. I started this 1 week before the parasite cleanse to make sure I didn't get the healing crisis.
thanks so much :)
You are very welcome!!
I hope that helps!
Not yet, but I plan to very soon.
I have been taking 1-2 tablespoons of cold-pressed oil (usually Olive) each night before bed so I believe that has helped my liver immensley. The theory being that the large amount of oil stimulates the liver (via the gallbladder) to expell a large amount of bile which in turn washes/dissolves old stones.
I would like to try prune juice instead of Epsom salts for the flush but not sure if the prune juice has the same bile duct relaxing power, which is apparently the key to expelling the stones.
Many blessings,