Hi Ana!
Well, let's see.
The Harmonic Concordance is just a name for some planetary arrangement that is happening this weekend. Apparently the last time this happened was in 1000 BC! There are six planets out there right now that are lining up to form a 6 pointed star (Star Tetrahedron or the Star of David - same thing) It is verrrrry harmonious and very rare! For people that are into symbolism and this sort of thing it very exciting as it seems like a symbol of change and transformation for the world and the individuals in it. A turning point maybe.
1) representing a sublime balance of energy: what does this mean?
Each of the 6 planets involved carry an energy and when you connect the 6 together in this harmonious shape (based on harmonics - you know when beautiful music is pleasing and harmonious and when it's NOT harmonious, right? This is very similar) the energies involved, if you could hear them, would sound like the most beautiful music you've ever heard!
2) profound environmental, economic, social, religious, and military upheaval: This too.
Hmmm. Difficult question. Well, if you've ever gone through a personal transformation you know what that feels like...a little wrenching, some upheaval within...the world might be going through that too! And why not? All systems change...and grow...
Lots of posts have been posted and the one below is very good - Check it out if you haven't already!
And join us all on Saturday...sending out beautiful LOVE energy!! Feel ya' then!
Alisaun's post on Harmonic Concordance