I was picking my teen son's brain last night about electricity (he's an electricity whiz ... he's got Asperger Syndrome, so has an autistic genius type focus and knowledge on electricity, his favorite topic). Wondering about the rashes that some of us get from the electrodes of our blood purifiers, I asked him about the issue of acidic vs. alkalinity, which some have suggested may be the cause of the rashes (too acid more likely to get the rash). My son said that's likely because if your blood is more acidic it will conduct more electricity. I was always curious as to why being more acidic might cause you to get the rash, and now I know ... those of us getting the rash are probably conducting more electricity than we should (this is for those who have the rash even after adjusting the salt in the water or the dampness of the cotton sleeves on the probe).
(He's still questioning whether the electricity is damaging the human cells, because he says cell death happens at about 20 volts, but I told him to just keep researching it ... I'm sure he'll come across the information why human cells aren't damaged. I'm kinda encouraged that, ever the sceptic and worried about his mom, he's researching all these alternative medicine things I've been doing and is starting to be convinced.)