Hello. I am sorry to hear about your troubles. I have been developing some health problems myself and have all the symptoms of hypothyroid, but I haven't been to a doctor since last summer. I have been able to lose some weight this winter despite my hypo problems. I have been doing the Alternative Day Diet and have gone from 149lbs to 130
lbs. I have recieved other health benefits as well. I would recommend reading the book if you are interested in losing weight and achieving the health benefits from it.
I am still trying to correct my thyroid. In fact I have only recently figured out that is what is wrong with me. I have felt cold and depressed and pretty much have all the symptoms of hypothyroid. I am on day 11 of supplementing with
Iodine and so far I have noticed some amazing positive effects. I have done some reading and according to many articles and even posts here on curezone many people are
Iodine deficient. I would also recommend that you read as much as possible about
Iodine and consider adding that as a daily supplement.
Other supplements that I have tried and found to work in weight loss are, chromium taken with each meal 3 X day. It helped me at one point (before the Alternate Day Diet), slowly lose a pound or two a month. Also, grape fruit pectin or fiber taken in tablet form before meals. That grape fruit fiber is some interesting stuff. It doesn't just help fill you up, but for me anyway, gave me an increase in energy. In fact I've been thinking about taking it again. I've read that it helps clean out your veins/arteries.
There's also a weightloss forum with a very nice, supportive group of people on there. Keeping a diary on there would be a positive contribution to your journey I think. It's called caloriesperhour.com
Try reading some of these posts about Iodine supplementation.
Best of luck to you, I hope that you get your health turned around. I've been working on my own for a while now. LOL. It's quite a project!