Beat & Avoid the Flu
Though the so-called Avian Flu (H51N flu strain) has been around for years now without mutating to a form that is easily spread from human to human, this is no time for complacency and the recent contamination fo seasonal flu vaccines should be a wake-up call for one and all. Even without man's help or mistakes regarding the H51N flu strain, the world is overdue for another major deadly flu outbreak like the Spanish Flu pandemic that that killed up to 50 million or more worldwide in 1917-1918.
Ominously, if it is the H51N strain that mutates, thus far it has been at least 3 times as deadly as the Spanish Flu for humans who have caught it - which indicates the horrific possibility among today's vastly larger populations grouped closer together in urban sprawl and modern air travel that brings every area of the globe only hours or scant days away. That is why some of the predictions have called for nothing less than a huge world wide pandemic, a modern day plague, that kills hundreds of millions, making HIV-AIDS seem mild by comparison.
Although not yet a current threat, government scientists around the world are predicting that it is only a matter of time until the Avian Bird Flu mutates into one that can be spread from human to human - and when it does, many are predicting nothing less than a huge world wide pandemic, a modern day plague, that kills hundreds of millions, making HIV-AIDS seem mild by comparison.
It is important to note that the Spanish Flu was also a bird flu until it mutated to one that could be spread from human to human – and the reason that is important is that, like the Avian Bird Flu, the Spanish Flu was one that mankind had never before been exposed to and thus had no natural antibodies for. Again, like Avian Flu, instead being most deadly to the old, the very young and the weak, the Spanish Flu’s attacked the most healthy and robust individuals. So far, the death rate Because the Bird Flu represents such a deadly threat, the first part of this section is aimed specifically at preventing and guarding against the Bird Flu.
The good news is that you can take steps to help you avoid the Bird Flu when it comes, and to survive it if you happen to catch it. Included in these steps would be the things that you should do to protect yourself from virtually all diseases and illnesses: get plenty of rest, exercise, quit smoking, eat a nutritious diet, avoid stress and, above all, to make your body's natural first line of defense, your immune system, strong and robust.
Some of the very best immune boosters are:
Echinacea (Despite the latest study)
Pau d’arco
Medicinal mushrooms
Beta glucans
Aloe vera
Bovine colostrums
In my opinion, the best immune booster of all is oleander. Oleander extract was proven to have six times the immune stimulating activities of the most powerful patented immune stimulators known to man in European studies in 1986-87 - which is no doubt a large reason that it has been so effective against cancer, HIV, hepatitis-C and other conditions.
The next thing you should do, is to also take one or more good natural anti-viral agents, ESPECIALLY if the Bird Flu does mutate and begin to spread from human to human, because unlike other illnesses or influenzas, the Bird Flu will use your own immune system to attack you. This is because we have never been exposed to a strain of flu like the Bird Flu and it is likely that biochemical cascade of immune cells and immune system bio-chemicals such as interferon, interleukin, monokines and cytokines will literally pour into the lungs and eat your lungs up. With the Bird Flu, it is essential to also include good natural anti-viral supplements along with immune boosters - and it is a good idea to do that anyway.
The best natural pathogen destroyers are:
Note: The raw oleander plant is quite toxic, but that is not the case when it has been properly boiled and strained according to exact instructions. No one should attempt to make their own oleander remedy without knowing what they are doing (SeeOleander Soup) and the best bet would be to purchase oleander in supplement form, such as Sutherlandia OPC.
Olive leaf extract
Oil of wild mountain oregano
Grapefruit seed extract
Colloidal Silver
A top quality colloidal silver (like that made by CureZone sponsor Utopia Silver) will usually knock out the flu bug in short order. Be sure to take plenty (two to four ounces twice a day).
The fourth thing you should do is endeavor to stop the spread of airborne viruses during the flu season:
Protect yourself from others by gargling daily with 1 drop each of the essential oils of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) and lemon in a glass of warm water; stir well before each mouthful. Do not swallow.
Mix a blend of essential oils to use in your diffuser or for use in steam inhalation.
Blend together:
ravensare - 3 parts
naiouli or eucalyptus - 1 part
lemon - 1 part
rosewood - 1 part
lavender - 1 part
Ravensare and naiouli have antiviral properties, while the other essential oils in the blend act as antiseptics while at the same time providing a wonderful aroma.
Diffuser Application - Add about 50 drops of the above blend to your diffuser at a time.
Fumigate the house with oils to help prevent the spread of flu. Put 2-3 drops on a radiator to evaporate or add 10 drops of essential oils to a small plant spray filled with water. Spray the room frequently.
Another option is the famous Vinegar of the Four Thieves Formula
During the time of the Black Plague a family of perfumers robbed the dead. As perfumers they knew well the antiseptic essential oils, and they infused them in vinegar and rubbed them on their bodies; by doing so they protected themselves from certain death. The doctors of the time used the same herbs and essential oils to to protect themselves while tending so many who were contagious. They wore big cloaks over their heads that reached down well below their shoulders. Attached to the cloak over the nose and mouth was a 10 inch long canoe-like shaped beak full of antiseptic herbs and essential oils.
Here is the famous Vinegar of The Four Thieves recipe; it is sometimes called Grave Robber's Blend. Use it wherever you would normally use disinfectants.
Place a small handful each of dried lavender, rosemary, sage, rue and mint in a large jar, and cover completely with organic apple cider vinegar. Cover tightly and set for six weeks. Strain into a spray bottle. Whereas no home can be made to be sterile, spray the powerfully antiseptic Vinegar of Four Thieves recipe in areas of concern, such as on cutting boards and door knobs, always making sure to avoid your eyes.
Note: These two sprays are not technically disinfectants (disinfectants have to be registered with the EPA as pesticides), but sprays with anti-bacterial properties.
For the rest of this article, see:
Not at all - it is always best to have as strong of a natural immune system as possible. In almost all instances that helps ward off and defeat influenza. However, when an avian type influenza is involved which we have no natural antibodies for, it is imperative to also take plenty of anti-virals. The combination of the two should provide the best overall protection regardless of the variety of flu one encounters.