Hi Fred,
Please don't let the spelling mistakes irritates you. For the love
of Natural Healing - the whole world is here and you cannot expect
everyone to be as good in the English Language as you yourself are.
Spelling checker will correct the spelling but not the grammer
therefore will ever irritate the reader (should she/he having
agendas for such things). All the same Fred - lets correct our
Health first and in Harmony everything is flawless. This site even
offered to heal Body-Mind-Spirit which is critical in balancing
our Wellbeing. Understanding and compassion are very much needed
commodities in our world today!
Kidney is a double organ - and according to some Astrologers, if
this part of our organ is alarming us, we could even trace the
problems back to "Relationship or Relating". I don't know for sure
but Astrology always intrigues me.
Excuse me for asking because I am bit confused with the word
"coffie". Do you mean the beverage "Coffee"? If coffee is what
you meant - for a healthy kidney, there should not be any problem
so long that we don't overdo it. But once stones are formed I
feel the whole diet regiment should take on a different form.
I also have heard both sides of the story - "coffee being preventive
to kidney stones" but according to the National Kidney and Urologic
Diseases Foundation, the best ways to avoid getting
kidney stones
is the following:
Drink more water -- up to 12 full glasses of
water a day can help to flush away the
substances that form stones in the kidneys.
Ginger ale, lemon-lime sodas, and fruit juices
are acceptable, but WATER is BEST!
Another perspective:
The February 1, 1996 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology
(Volume 143, Number 3, pages 240-7) contains a paper entitled
"Prospective Study of Beverage Use and the Risk of Kidney Stones."
These new findings suggest that tea and coffee may actually REDUCE
the chances of forming a kidney stone, while apple and grapefruit
juice may increase the risk of forming a kidney stone. If you're a
stone former and a tea or coffee drinker and don't want to give up
the habit, talk to your doctor about this study. Still a culprit:
cola beverages. Because of their high
Sugar content, they tend to
increase calcium excretion, increasing your risk.
But for myself I found the most digestable explaination to all our
dis-eases including this one, is from Dr. Clark's book "Cure for
All Diseases". Coffee and Tea has been there for hundreds if not
thousands of years but why so many of us today has Kidney Stones,
Gall Bladder Stones and are all stuffed up, with organs refusing
to function properly? Why the discrepancies - I am afraid you have
to research more for yourself but I highly recommend you read
Dr. Clark's contraversial findings! She brought a mind bursting
message to our polluted world:-(
Enjoy your further reading on this wonderful website. There is
soooooooo much of good information:-)
p/ I don't mean to discredit your good intention but first
and foremost people need help and sometimes they can't even
write themselves. The main thing is that we got the message through.
(Please excuse my imperfect English - it is not my mother tongue!)
> I really havce been enjoying your site since I found it a couple weeks ago.
> I just passed a very painful
kidney stone and I'm curious about coffie. A book I have, Prescription for Nutritional healing, recommended coffie as a preventative for Kidney Stones, and two gentlemen at work said the same thing. However, my nurse girlfriend and her fellow students said they get tested on the fact that coffie is a cause of kidney stones. What gives with the discrepancy.
> Thanks,
> Fred
> P.S. regarding the web site, and not that I'm snoody, but a simple spell checker would cure your site of it's large number of missspelled words and bad grammar. Folk tend to discredit the value of the information if the grammar and spelling is incorrect. Perhaps some of your readers are editors and could help.