I have been using curezone for over 6 years and had terrible acne, blackheads, pores, you name it since I was 13, I'm 32 now. I have been cleansing for years, but not consistently. I finally decided to get serious about my skin. Over the past 6 months, I cut out all diet sodas, coffee, and started the liver cleanse program again. I only buy organic milk and eat lots of fruits and veggies. I haven't eaten fast (fat) food in years. WOW! My skin is super smooth, soft, and normal!!! No more oily skin. The liver cleanse did it mostly I must have done at least 6 at this point. I can't stop touching my skin its so smooth and no bumps, no yucky acne!! You have to clear from the inside out, I know you've read this a million times in these forums, but it's the truth! Cut out the junk food, cleanse, and take your health seriously. If you take my post seriously, use the liver cleanse, and change your diet, you WILL see results. Don't buy into the topicals, you MUST clean the inside.