I found a great video of a conference Dr. David Brownstein made last year about
Iodine (on P2P network, don't tell the feds hehe ;) ). It lasts an hour and a half and though i didn't learn many new things, I had the confirmation that he's now totally embracing
Iodine in the treatment of Hashimoto and Graves diseases.
An interview made by Mary Sholmon with him exists on the web and, at that time, he was considering taking high dose
Iodine with Hashimoto was like pouring oil on a fire. It must have been made some years ago (there is no date on the article) before he experienced it in his practice.
There was a couple of interesting case studies presented in the conference of person having Hashimoto. He never saw a worsening of the autoimmune response in his clinical practice so far. Actually, iodine level in the thyroid of peope with Hashimoto + hypothyroid is about 3 % of an healthy subject thyroid. For him, the lack of iodine is a major factor of this autoimmune response (that and gluten in some people)
In his practice, some patients were still Hashimoto after long-term iodine treatment and some were cured. But mostly everybody felt better on it after a couple of months.
Finally, to him, there is no difference in bio-availability between Iodoral and Lugol, in the majority of cases, it's just a matter of taste.
I would like to give you a link to this video, but it's not free content :/
Anyway, I hope that will convince other Hashimoto sufferer like me to give Iodine a try :)