Wow! I can relate to those dreams of elevators crashing. Sometimes I would be endlessly going up and down elevators,very high and flying down knowing I would die, I never hit bottom.
I used to have dreams in slow motion, escaping and animal, or a disaster or a killer, screaming in my mind, to hurry, but running is slow motion. I have had, as in other posts, dreams where I would freeze, and be possessed by the devil, could not scream, only thing that worked was screaming for God.
I read in a yoga book, that dreaming is the subconscious mind, like being on auto pilot while the conscious mind sleeps. There are dream levels of sleep,eg: alpha,beta,delta, gamma. when the REMs(rapid eye movement) reach high speeds per minute, the highest, you are dreaming.
I don't sleep walk, but my little niece used to. I would guide her back to bed without trying to wake her, I learned somewhere that we should not shock them, or scare them.
I don't have very many horror dreams any more, like I said, VERY MANY. I breathe deep before I go to sleep,long and slow. Some people say they can't sleep, well, they should try deep breathing. I get long movie like dreams, or fragments from things that affected me that day, or that week, or quite often I get de ja vous.(Hope I spelled that right.)
I once bought a subliminal message tape, I don't know if it ever worked. Maybe it did, positive reinforcement, if nothing else, like a chinese fortune cookie. It had good positive affirmations, on one side, and subliminal music on the other side. I think the music is supposed to bypass the conscious, that might resist it, and go directly to the subconscious.
If I knew it really worked, I would use it for learning. I bought a hypnosis tape to study better. I don't think it worked.
This subliminal message tape does not come under the topic of dreaming,but I was supposed to listen to it for 1 month, which I did faithfully. After 1 week, I fell asleep, immediately, and what used to be too loud and aggravating, became like a distant whisper. So if I was hypnotized, that may be catagorized as dreaming. I haven't seen a hypnosis forum here, but I better check.