As a general rule Barefoots DeWormer is best at the parasites within the digestive tract. Humaworm is best at anything outside the digestive tract. There are others however.
The lyme disease people have come up with a high salt regime that works great for parasites external to the digestive tract.
The "bitters" of the European nations has proven very effective. Clark has a relativly new protocol using specific oils that are great at eliminating parasites both internal and external to the digestive tract.
Also a good seasalt bath kills the skin parasites.
And Awareness Corps "Clear" is also a great anti-parasite product. Plus Standard Processes Zymex II.
Obviously it takes a little experimentation on the individuals part to figure out what works best for him/her.
Don't be discouraged. Having the bugs gone is very benificial to your overall health and you'll be glad you put the effort in to eliminate them.
But in general I suggest Barefoots DeWormer for intestinal parasites and Humaworm for external intestinal parasites.