Hi Kitty!
Sure, I'll share what she told me with you!! ('secrets of life' sounds pretty hard to ignore! ha)
My boyfriend and I were set to go to France in September of '99 and with good timing my grandmother (who I was very close to - still am!) passed away only a week before we were to go. Our large family arranged her 'celebration' very quickly - so that I could be there. That was on Sunday...and my boyfriend and I left for France on Monday for our month long trip.
About a week after that I had my first dream of her. She came to me and told me, quite distinctly, to 'wish for something yellow'. In the coming days we left the stone cottage that we rented for a week and went south looking for a place to stay in for 3 days. I had found, via the internet, an old chateau that was gorgeous and had been owned by Nostradamus' grandson - old Nostradamus lived in the town) But when we arrived there we were told that there was only one room left and it was the most expensive one! We were shown a picture of it, it was blue and looked all fancied up...we went out to the car and hummed and hawed...should we? Then the words of the concierge came back to us: the room is like this blue one, only it's yellow. We thought: ha! It's a sign...Gran said to 'wish for something yellow' and here it is...we HAVE to stay here! So, we did and we were happy.
The room was HEAVENLY!! Huge with an oversized huge window looking onto the grounds...old tile floor, round marble table by the window so we could eat our baguette cheese and fruit...ah! And, yes, it was yellow. Oh wow! I just found a website for that chateau!
http://www.chateau-de-roussan.com/presen2.htm (it's beautifully proportioned and it looks smallish, but I have a photograph of me in our window - right center - and I only come a third of the way up the window!! massive)
Anyway, what a lead up eh? ha. It was in that yellow room (guided by grandmama?) that I had the most amazing encounter with my gran.
I dreamt that she and I were talking...walking arm in arm. She was telling me what it was ALL about...it came at me like a big warm ball of knowingness - not in words at all - and it just flooded my being with understanding that was soooo beautiful! The gist of it in words, was that....ALL of Life is Good. The Past is Good, the Future is Good, Now is Good, Life is Good, Death is Good...just this positive positive feeling that permeated ever cell in me! When I was able to recover from this amazing information and feeling...I stuttered...'Thank you for telling me this...' then 'How can you exist?' It's hard to explain but when I uttered that question I meant it as a double meaning...meaning 1. How lucky am I that someone as good and as beautiful as you, would come to me rouse me out of my slumber, to tell me all of these wonderful positive, life-changing things!! So...how does goodness like you exist? and 2. Simply...but how DO you exist??? Do you exist, somewhere??
And her answer was, "Oh yes, I exist...I exist....' and she had such a mischievous sparkle in her eye when she said this.
I awoke in that yellow room with tears of absolute joy running down my face! It was incredible.
And ever since then I feel closer to her than ever...and am open to all sorts of fascinating new messages that come in interesting disguises!
That's it!
Hope that wasn't toooooo long.....