Blog: Walking with God with my Fast
by Sacristia

Day 6

Day 6 of my water fast, feeling a bit horrible today both body and soul

Date:   2/13/2009 3:41:21 PM   ( 16 y ) ... viewed 2553 times


Today is day 6 of my completion water fast. I was a bit antsy last night so I didn't get to bed until after 1:00 a.m. It was a very very rough night. I was woke up around 2:30 a.m by a text message from my ex-boyfriend which held a lot of anger in it. It was odd because before I went to bed, I thought of him and hesitated and didn't text him. He was very angry in his words, which changed suddenly to almost suicidal, which alarmed me. I tried calling him, but texted me to say he couldn't take the call because his son was right in front of him and he had to pretend everything was ok.

I found myself praying to God and asking Him to guide me on what to say to him. (After I said I wasn't going to pray anymore or talk to God. Erk!) I was very upset myself because I do love him still, but he lives in Texas now and I just can't jump up and run to Texas on a whim. After I got him calmed down, I was exhausted myself. My cat, Mekong, was pacing with me and finally when I laid back down, she snuggled up beside me to comfort me. I was very grateful for that. I didn't get relaxed and back to sleep until around 5:30 this morning.

My body really hurt this morning and I was so thirsty that I almost drank about two 20 ounce bottles of water flat out, but I slowed myself down afraid I would get myself sick if I drank too much.

I felt a bit willowy this morning as I got ready for work, so I weighed myself to find out that I am now 121 pounds. It was late yesterday I had a BM for the first time since my fast. I am sure the willowy feeling is due to a lack of good sleep.

Earlier today I was feeling really dizzy so I had to relax and sit down until it passed. I have felt a bit off today probably because my ketones are high, but I haven't been able to check them since I do not have any ketone strips to use. I will have to pick some up sometime this week if I can. I am very tired as well since I didn't get much sleep last night. I was looking forward to riding my bike today. I will possibly make that for tomorrow since I am tired. It has been very nice out lately and the snow is all melted, so I thought it might be nice to cruise a little bit on my mountain bike. I haven't walked much today yet, but I did make my half and hour goal for the day.

I did notice this morning that my rings on my fingers are fitting looser then they were, but that is the only change I have noticed. My cheeks haven't started to hollow out like they do, but that usually doesn't start to happen until day 28 or something.

Regarding God and praying and such. I have been kind of fighting it so I can't say that I have done much of reading my Bible, praying a lot or just focusing on God. I am just frustrated regarding particular things and questioning a lot of things regarding God. So I will just have to see how it pans out for me in that area as it comes up.

I haven't found my fasting books which irk me because I usually keep them together. I will have to look to see if I have any of them in my car. I know I have a bad habit of putting books in my car and forgetting that they are in there so I can continue reading them after lunch time during the week. LOL.

I might not be very productive to night do to my tiredness I am feeling. I think for today I might just relax in bed, drink water as my body wants it and watch some TV. Tomorrow I will try and ride my bike a bit as well as clean out my cabinets and refridgerator as I said I was going to. It is much easier now, since I don't have the eating urge to tempted me to taste and eat. Actually the smell of coffee this morning turned me off so much, I wanted to gag.

Oh, yeah. My sense of smell has gotten better as well as my left sinsus opened up and I can breath feely now, rather then just out of one nostil as I normally do at times.

Tomorrow is a new day.

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