I have told many friends and co-workers this technique and almost every single one of them, when it worked had verrrrry interesting experiences, while dreaming.
It is a technique taken from Carlos Castanedas writings. Whether you believe his stories or not, this technique totally works!!
Basically, when you're inside a regular dream, you're supposed to remember to look at your hands. Just stick them out in front of you and give them a long hard look. When you do this, you will most likely feel a vibrational change in yourself. Sometimes it takes me right out of the dream I'm in...but other times I simply 'come alive' within my dream (become lucid) and then direct and control my actions...what I want to do, see, try, experiment with etc.
The trick is, is to look at your hands several times a day when you're AWAKE! This will get your conscious mind into the habit of looking at your hands. The idea is that you look at your hands in order to tell if you're dreaming or not. If you do this in reality, you'll see that everything stays the same, you feel normal. If you do this in a dream...something will definitely happen and you'll notice that you are dreaming.
Have fun all you adventurer's!