Yes, you heard it right.
Though our body serves us, and carries us and protects us, and lets us see and feel and taste, and laugh and rejoice and think and grow and dance and move, and run and listen to music, and eat and pee, and poo so we can derive energy, and sleep and dream and hug and love and smell, and create beautiful beings, and love them into life, and and.....
We rarely take the time to say, hey - I love you heart for pumping blood into every part of my hot bod, or well, I love you - beautiful kidneys - for cleaning my blood, for letting me drink water and filtering it after all has been consumed and processed out of the body in readiness for the next hour or day, and brain - hey, hey hey HEY what can we say - how about dreaming and planning and learning and traveling anywhere in the many universes with that fabulous thing: IMAGINATION, and we have all heard "No guts no glory" how right that is, and hey - how about the lovely lungs and those sweet deep breaths?, and oh yes, how about hands, wow... hands that let us plant and clap and touch, and well skin... wooooooo feels good, looks good and keeps us warm, well, you get the point I think...
So yes, let's say "I LOVE YOU" to this very wondrous, magnificent, sublime valentine, our lovely, humble body.
Might others add more? Me`thinks it would make a beautiful thread.
Love your body - it does love you back!
Happy Valentines day to all... and most especially Spirit - the guiding force.
MadArt (ist)