Strange as it may seem, the most effective PMS ‘treatment’ I have found is to be spanked by my husband. It only takes a few minutes and works wonders for my attitude and level of irritability. I benefit from a spanking three days before my period is due to start and another two days before it starts. This second spanking is usually enough to carry me through what would otherwise be my time of PMS. I have read that it is related to increasing levels of endorphins and other chemicals. All I know is that for whatever reason, it works. For about a day after I feel more balanced, positive, and far less irritable.
We sometimes incorporate erotic spankings into or sexual games and role play scenes, but these PMS spankings are different. We don’t bother with making a game of it, but rather just charge right in and get it done. These “therapeutic” spankings are usually quicker but a bit harder than those that are for fun. He just carefully brings me to the edge of tears or until tears actually form in my eyes (about half the time), and then holds me and tells me he loves me. The whole thing takes but a few minutes and I feel so much better for the next day or two. It is a wonder how much better those endorphins and a good cry will make me feel!
Has anyone else discovered this or am I the only one in the world like this? I am afraid to talk to my girlfriends about it for fear of what they may say or think. I just know it works for me!