Hi all,
I had an appt with a new practitioner the other day who specializes in menopausal/birth control type issues. I have to say that she has been the most responsive of any of my doctors and the most supportive. She said that the drug reps come into her office all the time and tout Mirena as having no systemic side effects. She also said she doesn't believe them because she takes them out of patients all the time who are having systemic side effects. I ran by the theory of progestins blocking the receptors for progesterone and causing us to stop making progesterone which sends us into estrogen dominance. She doesn't believe this is what is happening. She said the progestin still acts like progesterone but ours bodies continue to make progesterone and we basically have too much progesterone and in turn, too little estrogen. I did some other research and found a couple of things..."prolonged supplementation of high doses of progesterone may cause progesterone receptors to become less sensitive which could result in symptoms of low progesterone". She also said that if you are supplementing progesterone, as in the cream, you could cause your body to stop making it's own progesterone. When I looked up symptoms of high progesterone some of them are fatigue, hot flashes, cold chills, joint pain, headaches depression, dry skin, back pain, brain fog, water gain, weight gain, anxiety and panic attacks. I seems to me like any way you screw with hormones a lot of the symptoms are the same. This might be more interesting for the person who is trying to understand the exact cause of what is happening to the body. I just thought I would share my latest news.