Hi #20928,
Your comment: You are really something else, Moreless. You thank those that allow you to help them and ask nothing in return. No hidden agendas, products or services to sell. Giving out freely this information and knowledge that many would gladly pay a reasonable sum of money for. Knowledge so profound that people cannot believe it's true... or so I've noticed from the short time that I've been frequenting this particular forum. People like that are "one in a million."
May God be with you and watch over all that you do. Thank you.
Answer: I was once Deceived by Satan the Devil and Lost and Now that I have been privileged to have my eyes opened to the Truth and be considered by my Creator worthy to learn of the Truth's that I am Freely sharing, I have a Great Responsibility to let this Light Shine for those Seeking !
I also have to Guard Daily against the Great Deception Satan is working each Day over mankind, so that I do not Fall for his Deception !
Years ago I would read in the Good Book about it is Better to Give than to Receive? This I did not understand in the beginning How it could be so?
As I opened my mind to except more of the Truth's from my Creator and work at putting them into practice, the understanding has come as WHY !
This is WHY I believe we must take Planned action and put into practice what we learn as Truths, in order to be Blessed ! For if we are not willing to take Personal Responsibility for our actions and are not willing to take action to help ourself and or others in need, then God may Stop allowing us to see the Truth? The we become Deceived by Satan the Devil and this I do not Freely choose to do !
Every Human being on earth is a child of the One True God and God does not wish that any should Perish !
Yet, Satan is working Hard to Deceive mankind and is doing a Good job, just look at all the Different Religions and cultures of people Fighting each other , thinking they are the Only ones Right?
As this Fighting goes on mankind is slowly Killing off the Very Soil life that supports mankind on this Earth !
With this come Sickness and Diseases of ALL kinds !
A Sick and Diseased person cannot think correctly and is easily Deceived by Satan, thus WHY all the Deceived folks in this world !
This may be WHY so Many folks are Running in circles Seeking the Next Magic Pill and --NEVER-- Find it?
When we are Privileged to learn the Truth, we should be Bold enough to Stand up for it and let our Light shine for others in need as we once were covered in Darkness !
The parable of the sower of seeds tells about the Good Seed he has sown and some falls in Fertile soil and grows to produce Good fruit, yet some of the seed falls on Rocky ground and withers away before it has a chance, yet others fall in soil with Briers and Brambles and it sprouts and starts growing, but the Briers and Brambles Choke it out ! The Moral of this is that Many may hear the Truth and have a chance to have their eyes opened and receive the Blessings of Life, but Very few do anything to produce Good Fruit ! Jesus came into the world with the Good News, but only a Very Few let it Sprout and Grow in Good Soil so they may Benefit!!!!!!!
Most folks are so caught up in the Fast lane of Life and in so much Debt, that they cannot see themself spending time giving freely to others in need? Thus they Never find True Healing and Happiness !
My Lifestyle does not follow as everyone else in the Fast Lane!
When we have a roof over us and clothes on our back and Food from our own Garden and some True Friends, we have the system Beat !
There is an unexpected Blessing in Helping others as I am trying to do?
I have learned that God also supplies the Financial needs as they come up in Mysterious ways !
As my Good friend has Many times told me: Help others get their own needs filled and we shall have --ALL-- of our own needs covered and our Barns may become overflowing, such that we cannot hold it all?
My rewards have come in many Different ways and I have learned More than any of those I have helped, thus WHY I Feel it my Duty to Thank all whom have utilized this Free info to help themself and been willing to share on this forum so that others may be helped !
Together we may change to world for the Better !
Whom in their Right Mind would want to leave this World in the Mess it is in to our Children and Grandchildren?
If we were to have our eyes opened to the Truth, would we not want to share it so that our Children and Grandchildren may have a chance for Healing and Happiness?
Cause and Effect !
As usual not everything may be as it may 1st seem to be !
Smile Tis your choice.