Nice try but no Rush Limbaugh cigar, MD. You already said that if the government gave you money for your business you would not use it to hire anyone in a recession but rather would pay off debt and sock it away. Why would you do any different if you got extra money because you paid less taxes? And how would you buying and selling a house for a profit help the economy?
I agree we should have far less taxes, but the way to do that is to return our system to one that serves the people instead of a nanny state that enslaves us. Abolish the fed, stop the illegal income tax, stop wars of mass deception, stop the inflow of illegal aliens, return jobs and manufacturing to the US, stop printing money we don't have and pay as you go is the ticket to restore economic sanity no matter how tough the price in the short term.
Don't forget charging yourself to landscape the property and then writing it off as an expense.
Buying and reselling existing housing is not exactly producing anything, but I concede your points. However, I hope you are a bit more diligent in the "qualifying people for a loan" bit, since I have a distinct feeling that a lot of those loans you qualified people for in the past are in derivative packages that went down the tube and started this mess.