My little one is approaching 5. She has never had a vaccination. She survived her first Cold this week, without ever seeing a doctor or being intimidated into a crippling vaccination or antibiotic. She went to a doctor two weeks after she was born for a check up and has never been back again. Healthy children need never stuff the pockets of the drug industry and their doctor salesman. I give most of the credit to the alternative treatments I learned from Two weeks after the first signs of a Cold, she seems to be even more healthy, if it is possible than she ever was before. She is more vibrant and robust than ever, even if she is still hacking a little. When she hugs me and tells me she loves me, I know without a doubt that she is saying that because I did not steal her empathy like I did by vaccinating my Autistic 19 year old daughter.
If your child has an A blood type or your family has a history of neurological issues and you are vaccinating your child, you may want to consider that you may be seriously injuring your child, that is if they survive the first year of their life with a full course of mandated vaccinations. Don't listen for a minute to the doctors who tell you vaccines are safe. They are not. Become a researcher and find out for yourself. I watched my 18 month old daughter slam her head on the sidewalk outside of her Pediatrician's office, following the third round of vaccinations. Capitalizing the "P" in pediatrician is too much honor to give the murderers who poison our children with vaccinations. 18 more years, after those 18 month vaccinations, I am still having to deal with my ignorant decision to vaccinate my precious little child who is now an Autistic adult. I still talk calmly and tell her I love her when she says the world is wrong and that she hates me... but how can I blame her when I let them poison her with vaccinations? In a court of law, ignorance is no excuse... but if I were to vaccinate my year 4 year old little one, I believe it should be considered child abuse. Watch out for anyone who says they are the "expert." Educate yourself, after looking at both sides of the vaccination issue and do what is best for your child. Read the information yeah or nay about vaccinations. There is propaganda on both sides. At the very least, wait until your child is 45 pounds to vaccinate. It reduces the impact of the toxins on the body of your child if you wait, much like alcohol affects a 350 lb man less than a 7 pound dog. Even at 45 pounds, I can't let them poison my beautiful, brilliant and loving little one with the toxic sludge in vaccinations that I allowed pediatricians to poison my 19 year old with. If you do vaccinate, go very slow and only one vaccine at a time. Make sure that none of the vaccines contain the mercury derivative Thimerosal or one of its many cloaked names. Ask for the list of ingredients for each vaccine you decide to give your child and do the research to see what negative impact it may have on your child All of that said, do not get sucked into the places where many fearful alternative education sites often lead their readers. Wake up from the propaganda that your pediatrician provides but do not get sucked into the web of fear that many in and might lead you into. There is a third way. Refuse to be seduced by fear from whomever and wherever it comes from. Our world depends on the children we are raising today. Fear makes those under its influence, easily manipulated.
Be a powerful and fearless parent who refuses to be poisoned by either side of the vaccination debate. If you have already given your loved one a vaccination, it is not too late to love them anyway but as soon as you wake up, give the little ones you have been given the gift of raising the best chance they can have of being a human being with empathy and compassion. Vaccinations are a bag of poison that is fatal to the empathy and compassion of many infants that can't speak for themselves, but there are worse things than vaccinations. Avoid vaccinations as long as you can but be equally suspicious of the so called "healers" in and who want to steer you into a fear mongering ultra paranoid world. The fearmongers win if you act from a place of fear. Vaccinating from a place of fear or avoiding vaccinating from a place of fear may be as equally debilitating to your child. The spirit of joy or fear is a legacy that is your choice to give to your child... The most joyful child springs from a seed of joy... A fearful child will manifest what is planted in her as well. Fear or fearlessness, whichever spirit you feed, grows... Rudenski