Sure go ahead and start tomorrow! Here's what I've learned after doing about seven flushes:
The Dr. Clark recipe is best. However, it doesn't really matter what time of day you do it, or even if you lie down afterwards, or if you take the orinthine. You'll still get lots of stones! The key is simply drinking the oil on an empty stomach (fast for about nine hours or so), nothing else really matters. The large amount of oil entering the intestines all at once stimulates the gallbladder and liver into releasing a huge amount of bile in a very short period in order to digest the oil. This is what expels the stones.
However, for the most pleasant flush possible, mix 1 cup of extra light tasting olive oil (not extra virgin), with 1 cup of grapefruit juice (about 2 grapefruits.) Mix well until watery and foamy. Drink it down! If you don't mix them (like some recipes reccomend), it is very difficult to drink due to the taste and thickness of the oil. The grapefruit juice emulsifies the oil, and this makes it easier (and tastier) to drink.
Epsom Salt is not strictly neccessary, but helps flush the stones out. If you don't take it, you may become constipated. Large amounts of any magnesium supplement, or a milk of magneisa laxative, or even
table salt will also act as a laxative. Don't use an herbal or stimulate laxative however. What you need is lots of water in the bowel in order to lubricate the instestines. The "salt" type of laxatives will do this... they prevent water from being absorbed, and keep it in the intestines due to osmosis.
It's not neccessary to do any other cleanses before the liver flush, but they may help. Feel free to do the various cleanses at your leisure...