Hi Ruth, sorry about my earlier message, it was a poor attempt at a timezone joke when I had woken up at my keyboard.
I have cleared all the rubbish out of my house, no dairy, no meat, no wine, all went yesterday. I only have fresh fruit and veg and beans and things here. But I can't really start it until I have worked out what half the things are.
Also I have had very little time to read the book, as I have been busy, I am not sure about whether these beans and legumes should be fresh (preferred), dried, canned or frozen. I guess it'll say in the menus, but I have not got to them yet. So I think I had better set my start date for Thursday.
In the meantime I am eating soup, made from red onions, kale, brussels sprouts, celery, dried lentils, parsley and 50% carrot juice 50% water. Also plenty of fresh fruit and salad. I think that is along the lines.
My biggest problem will be lack of snacks between meals. I tend to eat an apple now and then, I don't think you can on his six week plan.
Good luck with yours if you have started it,