I dont trust either of these. The below one you have to pay just to
find out what bank he is talking about, or do you know?
The other
one is issuing a currency and I couldnt find out how to buy it but
I gathered they wanted 20 dollars US for their ten dollar silver note.
"When you sign up for Mining Speculator,Cost $25, I will immediately
send you the free report on the new gold-backed currency mentioned
in this editorial."
No kidding here:There is a guy on Ebay offering Purchase contracts
on silver bullion. You buy the contract which gives you the right
to take possession of say x
ounces of silver in the future at
a specified price. Oh yeah, he is going to store it in his house.
There is nothing different than what these banks are going to do.
The only difference is the size. Say these banks have 1 billion dollars
in gold. They sell it to their investors but hold it for them. Then
they find most investors never want to take possession of the gold
so they sell it over and over again, just like any other PONZI scheme
you are screwed. Or say they sell 1 billion in gold ,then all of a
sudden somebody comes by with a big truck,loads up all the gold, and
it is gone. You are screwed again.