the world of today is unlike any we have seen at any time throughout our history... and though this economic collapse looks like it is a death, I personally believe from what I have read in history it is a new birth.
The yard stick in the last few hundred years has been arrogance. Countries who have had pride and arrogance expanded world wide. This has been shown in the English Empire, Energy, Tobacco, Pharmaceuticals, Media, and etc.
This is no longer the yard stick of today... the yard stick of today is now integrity. Systems that no longer have integrity are no longer surviving. This began with companies like Enron and Worldcom back in the 90s. These companies fell because they were using poor business practices in an effort to increase profits. As investigators researched into these two companies, they realized that they were not the only ones who were practicing the same business practices. But as they tried to expose the corruption, they were forced to stop because many of the companies these journalists worked for were using the same practices. They were stopped in their tracks.
But now the full impact of these practices has swung full pendulum, and can no longer sustain themselves. The corrupt manner in which many businesses operated is no longer an option. Left and right these companies are being exposed, and it is no longer tolerated by the world. And for every force, there is an equal and opposite force to match them. This is demonstrated by the arrogance of environmentalists, who are always nipping at the heels of energy companies who for too long have been left unaccountable.
The Governments of the world are now implementing new measures to insure that businesses can only compete and operate within a structure that is integrous. Not because its good practice, but because its necessary to stop competition at the expense of that which supports it.
This new world dynamic means that companies now need to shift to a business structure that provides a beneficial product, causing no harm. And if a business cannot shift, it will not last the next few years.